WOT Express: 5th Assembly Shop Leaks

According to our information, the 5th Assembly Shop is fully ready, and we expect it soon (100% before the release of the September patch 1.26).

  • In 2023, the Assembly Shop event was held at the very beginning of August, based on last year’s schedule.

The tank will be: Vickers MBT Mk. 3 (United Kingdom, Tier-10, MT, promotional)

The Vickers MBT Mk. 3 has good accuracy, DPM, and mobility, but absolutely paper-thin armor.

P.S. The loot box contents for the Return of the Waffenträger 2024 have also been determined.
P.S.2. 2025…

22 thoughts on “WOT Express: 5th Assembly Shop Leaks

    1. agree, it won’t replace the Leo.. i only have 77K bonds 550k exp & 100k creds.. i”ll be saving this for better tanks.

  1. I hope they wont nerf leo because of this, like they did it with progetto and lion…

  2. After the buff, this thing now is practically a British Leo1, with HEAT instead of APCR.
    All good players like Leo1, it will sell out for sure, how fast depends on good its 3D looks.
    I’m pretty sure they will make a good 3D for this thing just like they did with the 780/452K. These 2 base models look pretty meh, but their 3D skins are top-notch.

    1. Yeah i don’t get it either, when fully upgraded dpm is at 3900-4000 but so is STB-1 and it has a much better turret, so i don’t see the point.

      1. This tank need to be compared with Leo / AMX30 / and Cent to understand if good or not.
        If you compare with STB, i suppose you have red stats and dont understand nothin about this game.
        It’s a well balanced tank, surely not for monkey that play BZ 176. Anyone can write, but opinion value is the same of the rating. I bet your is below 5/4000, so your opinion value is near zero.

      2. There’s one word to describe the STB super accurately, unreliable.
        Its turret is unreliable, its gun is even more unreliable.
        With the STB, 4k DPM is roughly 3k DPM, because you miss 25% of your shots on avg.
        If you blindfire as often as I do, the number will be even higher.
        Even at close range, STB’s gun is still unreliable.
        You literally need to be at point-blank range to make full use of that DPM.
        Not to mention it’s only 360 alpha.
        In WoT, alpha rules while DPM means shit.

        The Vickers Mk.3 loses 30 alpha compared to the Leo1, but it gains the ability to perma-track.
        Its reload is under 6s when fully boosted, which is enough to perma-track anything that doesn’t use a Hardening.
        Combine that with crazy accuracy and shell velocity, you can make people scream if your marksmanship is on point.

        I went for 0.23 accuracy & 3.5k DPM instead of 0.26 & 3.7k with my Leo1 and got 100% MoE.
        Reliability is way more important.

        Although, between 0.22 & 3.7k or 0.24 & 4k of the Vickers Mk.3, I’ll pick the latter, just to get its reload down to under 6s.

        1. More than this, same gun of Cent, that;s is very fine, but with 1540 of shell V, 1.92 / 0.26 base, that means a laser gun. That’s offer multyple setup because someone can pref to avoid Stab.
          Other than this, 268 APCR base means near to zero gold ammo, and 330 HEAT give good pen when needed, at far distance too. Best combination for profit and efficiency.

          1. 1540 m/s shell velocity is really nice, but 268 APCR is just okay.
            In fact, 258 AP at close range is better because of the normalization.

            Those 1240 m/s HEATs will be spammed for sure.
            It’s fast enough with no pen loss over distance, and doesn’t care if it’s a really well-angled plate.

            APCR for sniping fast tanks at long range.
            HEAT for anything that has armor.
            High-pen HE for big juicy boxes.

            This thing just got the most flexible rounds in the whole game.
            It takes ~1.2s to switch though.

            1. Agree, suffer 3 more degrees normalization, but really faster than AP and thats is very good for leading and scout hunt. More than this, APCR base have pen/distance bonus like AP despite gold APCR. Thats make 268 pen not so bad. Just my 2 cents.

          2. Yeah…wg need to sell another bz176 op thing to make people happy or cry? This is very balanced and good tanknand who has 1mil.exp will buy it… The end

  3. As usually, people cry for OP tanks, but at same time when WG make a well balanced job, people cry because wanna OP tank…..

    1. The issue is with how difficult it is to obtain, its nothing special. Spend 200$ for a slightly better in some cases leo 1? Lol. Looks boring to be frank.

      1. Is the Object 780 OP? How about Lion & Kpz 07 P(E)?
        These are all good tanks, but nowhere near OP like the pre-nerf 279 & Chieftain.

        So, why people went for them like crazy?
        All of those who have spent a lot of their resources on something that is not OP are braindead?

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