WoT 1.25.1 Common Test: DZT-159 Changes

DZT-159 (China, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: rocket boosters).
• Gun reloading: from 11.51 to 13.42 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 5.21 to 4.47
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.38 to 0.40

• Dispersion from movement (max.): from 0.20 (8.00, 13.60 with boost) to 0.25 (10.00, 17.00 with boost)
• Dispersion from hull rotation (max.): from 0.20 (7.30, 1.10 with boost) to 0.25 (9.13, 1.37 with boost)
• Dispersion from turret rotation (max.): from 0.12 (3.13) to 0.12 (2.75)
• Average damage per minute 1 (AP) shell: from 2,295 to 1,967
• Average damage per minute 2 (HEAT) shell: from 2,295 to 1,967
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) shell: from 2,764 to 2,369

• Turret armor: from 270/110/50 to 270/150/50 mm
• Tank durability/HP: from 1,650 to 1,600

• Turret traverse speed: from 26.07 to 22.95 deg/s
• Acceleration force: from 70 to 50

• Vehicle concealment in motion: from 3.31% to 11.06%
• Vehicle concealment in motion after firing: from 0.63% to 2.10%
• Vehicle stationary concealment: from 6.61% to 14.76%
• Vehicle stationary concealment after firing: from 1.26% to 2.80%
• Camouflage bonus to concealment: from 2.00% to 3.00%
• Camouflage net bonus to concealment: from 5.00% to 10.00%
• Concealment penalty when on fire: from 17.40% to 38.90%

• Tank durability repair cost: from 16,500 to 16,000 credits

4 thoughts on “WoT 1.25.1 Common Test: DZT-159 Changes

  1. they dont know to balance bit by bit they have to change every stat whenever a tank is under or over performing and end up killing it or making it op never seen such an incompetent department not getting fired

    this tank is now useless with those stats even a player reading stats figures it but they testing it and yet cant understand

  2. WG insists on giving tanks high alpha damage while balancing it with bad accuracy, bad aim time, and bad on the move dispersion. What’s fun about every shot being akin to rolling a slot machine?

  3. Is the acceleration force the horsepower or top speed multiplier when boosters are active? The heavies have 1.5x acceleration. They advertized these things as having better speed boost but shorter boost lengths, now it simply has shorter boost lengths? If that really means what I think it means these people are incompetent

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