WoT RU: Meet The New Chinese Heavy Tanks

The new branch includes four researchable vehicles from Tier VII to X.

These tanks successfully combine huge explosive damage and good survivability. All of them are distinguished by a powerful weapon with a drum for two shells, armed with high-explosive shells with good armor penetration.

Their main feature is the ability to inflict high one-time damage and at the same time remain in action for quite a long time thanks to good hull armor.

Tier X GPT-75

Average damage 1200/850
Average armor penetration 211/278 mm
Strength 2500 HP
Max. speed/reverse 35/15 km/h.
Accuracy at 100 m 0.52
Aiming time 3.9 sec
Number of shells in the drum 2 pcs.
Reload Time 44 sec
Reload time between shots 5 sec
Hull armor 200/110/60 mm.
Turret armor 330/165/70 mm.
Specific Power 13.2 hp/t.
Gun depression/elevation -8/20 deg.
Stealth of a vehicle in motion (in%) 3.53/0.42.
Stealth of a stationary vehicle (in%) 7.01/0.84.
Types of projectiles

High Explosive
550 m/s

550 m/s

* The tank will become available with the release of update 1.29

Tier IX GPT-68

Average damage 900/650
Average armor penetration 195/255 mm
Strength 1900 HP
Max. speed/reverse 33/14 km/h.
Accuracy at 100 m 0.5
Aiming time 3.8 sec
Number of shells in the drum 2 pcs.
Reload time 44 sec
Reload time between shots 5 sec
Hull armor 120/110/60 mm.
Turret armor 280/130/70 mm.
Specific Power 13.1 hp/t.
Gun depression/elevation -8/20 deg.
Stealth of a vehicle in motion (in%) 3.59/0.65.
Stealth of a stationary vehicle (in%) 7.13/1.28.
Types of projectiles

High Explosive
525 m/s

525 m/s

Tier VIII GPT-166

Average damage 800/600 units
Average armor penetration 180/232 mm.
Strength 1500 HP
Max. speed/reverse 30/13 km/h.
Accuracy at 100 m 0.5 m
Aiming time 3.8 sec
Number of shells in the drum 2 pcs.
Reload time 44 sec
Reload time between shots 5 sec
Hull armor 140/100/50 mm.
Turret armor 300/110/70 mm.
Specific Power 13.3 hp/t.
Gun depression/elevation -10/20 deg.
Invisibility of a vehicle in motion (in%) 3.14/0.56.
Stealth of a stationary vehicle (in%) 6.27/1.13.

Types of projectiles

High Explosive
525 m/s

525 m/s

Tier VII GPT-58

Average damage 530/390
Average armor penetration 145/192 mm
Strength 1250 HP
Max. speed/reverse 30/12 km/h.
Accuracy at 100 m 0.48 m
Aiming time 3.7 sec
Number of shells in the drum 2 pcs.
Reload time 44 sec
Reload time between shots 5 sec
Hull armor 70/70/50 mm.
Turret armor 220/90/60 mm.
Specific Power 13.5 hp/t.
Gun depression/elevation -10/20 deg.
Invisibility of a vehicle in motion (in%) 4.05/0.81.
Stealth of a stationary vehicle (in%) 8.15/1.63.
Types of projectiles

High Explosive
490 m/s

490 m/s

9 thoughts on “WoT RU: Meet The New Chinese Heavy Tanks

    1. Tier 8 might be more crazy if you consider all the other stats too, 1600 clip is still crazy for tier 8, but it has better accuracy, aimtime and more gun depression too.
      Also I think 180 pen at tier 8 is better than 211 pen at tier 10, since average armor at tier 8 is way lower.

  1. I wish WG would just retromount these guns on the rocket heavies. I don’t even mind if WG makes 4 more fake Chinese tanks to give us these guns.

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