World of Tanks has a packed month in May. We’ve got the ongoing Battle Pass Season XIII and Onslaught: Jade Pegasus along with the new Call to the Final Frontier and Top of the Tree events, the latest Season of Global Map, and more! Save the dates and stay tuned to the portal for exciting news and upcoming activities.
Call to the Final Frontier
May 2 through May 13
A mysterious alien Object has stolen the antimatter from the warp core of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Use your combat skills to recover it and research the intruder. Progress rewards include three iconic Star Trek characters—all with custom voiceovers. Plus, you can stock-up on Orion Lockboxes that, among other goodies, have a chance of dropping two brand-new tanks and additional Star Trek characters (without voiceovers).
TM & © 2024 CBS Studios Inc. © 2024 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and all related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Top of the Tree
May 5 through June 5
Take advantage of credit discounts, missions, and offers, as well as two new Top of the Tree specials. Climb the Italian Tech Tree line to the autoreloading X
Rinoceronte , or expand your collection of German light tanks all the way up to the
Rheinmetall Panzerwagen .
Global Map: Season 21
May 6 through July 6
Global Map Season 21 promises two months of intense territorial fights and War Games on Ceasefire days. As in the previous Season, the Global Map will be frozen every Saturday, allowing you to send your best warriors to battle in Strongholds. At the end of the Season, the best-performing clans will receive rewards of gold and bonds in their clan Treasury.
Mystery Announcement
May 13
We’ve got another epic collaboration in May! Hint: It features a class of heroes who are no strangers to the inside of a tank. Keep an eye on the portal for more information on May 13!
Battle Pass Challenge
May 17 through May 20
Take the Battle Pass Challenge! In a Tier IX Battle Pass vehicle purchased with Battle Pass Tokens, earn as much XP as possible in at least 10 battles for Personal Reserves and ×5 XP battle bonus missions.
Onslaught Legends Cup #2
May 18 and May 19
Tune in to the official English World of Tanks Twitch channel on May 18 and 19 at 16:00 CEST (UTC+2) to watch the finals for the latest Onslaught Tournament live. Enjoy expert commentary and rewarding Twitch Mystery Drops on both days of the event!
Commander Weekend
May 23 through May 27
Put your favorite content creators into your game! Eleven CC in-game Commanders are up for grabs via Premium Shop bundles and missions completed via Twitch Drops.
Steel Hunter
Coming in May
Steel Hunter returns at the end of the month with notable changes. For the first time, you can join a Random Platoon and call the shots with Platoon Voice Chat. Keep an eye on the portal for upcoming information!
Pizza Oven and Progetto Giveaway
Until May 14
Submit a photo of your favorite pizza pie, homemade or from your local pizza parlor, and a brief explanation of its toppings to one of the Official World of Tanks social media accounts with the hashtag #WOTPizza. The Grand Prize winner will get a pizza oven and the Progetto M35 mod. 46 plus its “Safari Corazzato” 3D style. See the portal article for complete details.
Onslaught: Season of the Jade Pegasus
Until May 20
Season of the Jade Pegasus is your last chance to make a final push for Progression, test-drive the Onslaught format in Team Training, and unlock a new Improved Equipment item, Innovative Targeting, for bonds. It’s also your last chance to unlock this year’s reward vehicle: The Hurricane—a specially adorned CS-63 with an epic 3D style and custom crew.
Battle Pass: Season XIII
Until June 5
Cowabunga, Commanders! Join an epic journey in TMNT Pass, featuring an incredible collaboration with the legendary Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe! Progress through the Season to unlock awesome rewards inspired by the TMNT saga, including exclusive progressive styles as well as the Turtle team and their opponents as crew members—all with unique voiceovers.
©2024 Viacom Overseas Holdings C.V. All Rights Reserved. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom Overseas Holdings C.V. Nickelodeon is a trademark of Viacom International Inc.
Well-Deserved Reward
Until November 2024
It’s time to accept your Well-Deserved Reward for years of service—a token of our gratitude for your unwavering dedication to the game, which grows stronger every year. The reward is available now and varies depending on the year you joined the game.
Earn fantastic rewards, watch exciting streams, and check out special events all month long. Be sure to keep an eye on the portal regularly for the latest news, updates, and surprises!
Roll Out!
possible colab with girls und panzer ?
or fury
i hope they will not bring low tier premiums on sale again just for this ocazion
Girls und Panzer. The white flag and look at the anime over her right shoulder.
What?! A brown Pz4 with a weird fish and blue scribble on it?! How dare they?!
Still no frontlines again.
I’m gonna uninstall until they bring it back