WoT: Premium Vehicle Changes In Update 1.24.1

Quite a lot of equipment is ready for release. We look forward to seeing them at various events soon.

(Germany, Tier-5, LT, premium). Change from basis 1.24.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Unique” and “Testing”
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 1,450

Tiger II (T)
(Germany, Tier-7, HT, premium). Change from basis 1.24.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Unique” and “Testing”
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 6,650


(USA, Tier-8, MT, premium). Change from basis 1.24.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Unique” and “Testing”
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 8,750

(Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, premium). Change from basis 1.24.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• The tank class has been changed: from “Promotional” to “Premium”.
• Removed tank tags: “Unique”, “Secret” and “Testing”
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 9,150

Object 701 (USSR, Tier-8, HT, premium). Change from basis 1.24.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Unique” and “Testing”
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 9,050

26 thoughts on “WoT: Premium Vehicle Changes In Update 1.24.1

      1. Oh look, another degenerate leftie tourist…. Mind of your own business wokie, go watch the bear sex scenes from baldur’s gate, or whatever the fuck do you like and let people enjoy whatever the fuck they like.

        1. I’m also a “leftie” and I am in no way what you’d call “woke”, I don’t get why some believe the two are tied together.

          The other guy’s a clown though, if he thinks GuP is kid pornography then he must go to church every day or something.

            1. Degenerate men fantasizing over preteen anime characters. Yes pedo is the correct word for this mental illness

            2. The only cringe thing here is your nonsense. Have a walk outside and maybe you’ll see the world is more than whatever 4chan or Truth thread you hide in all day…

          1. Because the wokeness is a far left ideology and a disease that infested the culture in the west, that’s why. Anyway, at least you are not a leftie tourist and a moral busybody like that dumbass above, who compared anime with child porn.

            1. Over-sensitive people kinda offend me, there’s merit in discussing certain topics but a lot of people exaggerate hard – one missed pronoun or capital letter is enough to start a court case in some places.

              And comparing anime to child porn is not just stupid, it’s ignorant.

              1. I can’t believe i say this, but i’m happy that i’m not a westerner in this times. The west resembles more and more with my country before the iron curtain fell.

              2. Ah so the truth hurts lol
                I like how you even try to justify your own bullshit.
                People like you need to be thrown off tall buildings once and for all.

                1. > People like you need to be thrown off tall buildings once and for all.

                  Sure, if you go first. 🙂

                  And I’m sorry but I ain’t justifying anything here, nor do I believe “truth hurts” – in fact, I’m sick and tired of lies (which can be found everywhere both IRL and on the internet at every level).

              3. Seems you fail to have any actual facts backing your opinion up. Statistical facts based on criminal prosecutions particularly in Japan, Australia and the US confirm there is a much greater chance of Anime lovers being arrested for child pornography than any other common denominator. Doesn’t mean all or everyone it is simply a higher percentage.

              4. Stats regarding the prevalence of lolicon and shotacon are hard to come by, but it is estimated that 30–40% of manga contain sexual references involving underage characters.[17] The age of consent in Japan was 13, however it was raised to 16 in 2023 with the adoption of a new sex crime law which also established grooming, voyeurism, and asking for sexual images of children under the age of 16 as crimes. No regulations are in place to control images portraying sexual content of hentai in manga or anime which is prevalent as stated in 30% to 40% of the content. So no it isn’t ignorant it is tied into the revised Japanese law revision for the prevalence of child predators having an affinity for Anime. It is ignorant to think there is no relevance in artist depicting half naked underage kids in Anime.

                1. Your studies are full of shit and so are you. We are talking about anime, not about hentai here or worse, real CP. What, Disney and the western entertainment can’t handle the competition? That’s happen when you make shit content, people go watch something else. Now go watch Cuties or something, you little stunning and brave puritan.

                  1. Why don’t you get back into your cave you Romanian cúnt.
                    Why don’t you protect your women from child abuse and being sold into sex slaves?
                    Ah because all your country cares about is making money from abuse and drugs

                    1. Don’t try to deflect, you little wokie leftie bitch, remain on the topic. And look at your country first, then come back to me after you done fixing yours. What, you think you don’t have that in your country?

      1. Exact 😀 One of the best comments in some 3 months, really… Its funny how stale and boring WOT comments lastly became and now this 😀 I love these guys above… all of them – anonymous, juden, maltratatoru, amphetamine…

      2. Remember the outrage over the brown Pz4 with the silly fishy decal?
        When people seem to be completely fine with GI Joe and those comic book things?

  1. in general, you have reduced almost all maps to corridors without any creative freedom to play, MM and RNG are so disastrous that with a huge number of cheaters random games become unbearably nasty… tank rebalancing is completely neglected considering the number of tanks and the speed of issuing new ones . and instead of listening to the cries of the community to return the game to a state of pleasant playability, you turn your head and give the same automated answers until the next boxes, premium tanks and hunger for money. and you are not aware of how many players are moving away from this game! and that leads to the abyss and eventually death/shutdown of the game. you played dangerously in WG with your future! start listening to the voice of the community or you will all be completely looking for another job soon☝🏻 everything is written in good faith without a single bad idea to anyone personally, not a single letter is meaningless! good luck irritating the game base if you don’t turn around 180 degrees🙄 or follow…🕯

  2. My toughts about the game dev and producers is that they should drop dead and quit gaming career
    Nobody will fking hire you because you distroyed this game

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