And again the T 54D Leak from WOT Express was accurate.
Another interesting aspect is the presence of a specific drop chance (10% for Free Exp. but it isn’t mentioned what are the chances)- to receive 250,000 Free Experience from an Emerald Box.
Astron Rex (Alembic):

List of the Lootbox tanks:
T 54D, Char Mle. 75, Alembic, K-2, Jagdtiger Prototype, GSOR 1008, EMIL 1951, T77, Forest Spirit, AltProto AMX 30
Not interested
Yeah, at last loot boxes again! The last loot box event was sooooo long ago!
Every two months
All crappy tanks except for Forest Spirit
As long as you prefer to sit back and click…
No pity mechanic? Hard pass.