WoT: “Splinter Commander” – Prime Gaming Leak for The Month of March 2024

The set is themed and continues the collaboration of the 13th season of BP: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Release March 19.

• Premium tanks for rent.
1) Tank is not defined
2) Tank is not defined
3) Tank is not defined
4) Tank is not defined
5) Mission for x5 experience 5 pcs.
6) Equipment: additional rations 5 pcs. for the selected nation.

• Guaranteed, all this upon receipt of the package, 100%:
1) “Splinter” [1 pc.] – a unique commander with pumped-up skills and abilities forever!
* Commander is available for all nations. “Sixth Sense” comes as a zero perk. You cannot change its specialty.

As befits a master of ninjutsu, Splinter’s origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say that he was once a man, others are sure that he is a mutated rat, but does it matter? We all know him as a great warrior, a wise sensei and a truly good character: a loving father of four adopted sons.

2) Unique 2D style “Renaissance” [1 piece] – issued forever. Suitable for any technique. Unhistorical, group: Special.

3) Special Large decal: “Peperoni”.
Unhistorical. Group: Special. Format 1 by 1, direction from right to left, not reflected vertically, reflected horizontally. Those. price 150 gold.

4) Days of Tank premium account.
5) x5 experience per victory + another 10 for the package BP.
6) New unique medal “Stringy Cheese”.
7) Monthly Missions set.

12 thoughts on “WoT: “Splinter Commander” – Prime Gaming Leak for The Month of March 2024

  1. As always Splinter remains the only character who can look dignified in such a goofy universe. I might actually use this one depending on if it has bad audio or is blissfully audio free/has good audio.

    1. Wot audio is shit. It always sounds like it’s been recorded on my kids Tomy voice recorder.
      For a billion $ company they spend very little on quality.

      1. That’s an effect that is added later on. When they first introduced female commanders with the original campaign, they lacked this effect and had a crystal clear voice. Players requested this radio-like distortion to be added for immersion.

          1. because all they care is to make money and they know their game to be in shit already
            if they release tanks like BZ 176 and make tanks like WZ 114 , they are totaled

  2. Splinter, an old ratman who only wants to live his ederly years in peace, confused, dressed as a tank Commander for WG and complaining: “Im too old for this sh*t”

  3. Why would sixth sense come as a zero perk when it is standard on all commanders? Surely they mean BIA?

    1) “Splinter” [1 pc.] – a unique commander with pumped-up skills and abilities forever!
    * Commander is available for all nations. “Sixth Sense” comes as a zero perk. You cannot change its specialty.

  4. Funny how this stupid TMNT little kids thing made even the CC’s go silent. They re not posting daily videos anymore. I fear WG made them look in new directions, but I’m not going to be that guy saying every year “this will be the death of WOT”

    1. WG want the next Fortnite. But tanks is too niche. It’s tagged PG13 but the average age is more 43 like the average win rate is 43% too ..

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