AMX M4 Mle. 49 + Liberte
FV 4202
Panther mit 8.8cm L/71
T95E2 (already at 1.25 it will be transferred from promotional status to premium status)
What specific upgrades are planned?

🇫🇷 AMX M4 Mle. 49 and Liberte will improve shooting comfort. The gun reload time will change from 10.3 seconds. up to 9.2 sec, and the aiming time will be 2.3 sec (now 2.5 sec)

🇬🇧 Chieftain/T95 just needs to be fixed, but the developers decided to limit themselves to the following changes:
- The AP shell has been replaced with a APCR shell with 238 mm armor penetration (basic)
- Added a new special projectile with armor penetration of 270 mm
- Maximum forward speed changed from 42 km/h to 45 km/h
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 15 km/h to 18 km/h

🇬🇧 FV4202 will be a good upgrade in terms of mobility:
- Gun dispersion due to movement and rotation of the FV4202 chassis has been reduced by 14%
- The rotation speed of the FV4202 chassis has been changed from 40 to 50
- Dispersion of the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel gun when rotating the FV4202 turret has been reduced by 25%
- Reload time from 7.5 sec. up to 6.9 sec.
- Aiming time changed from 2.3 seconds. up to 1.9 sec.
- FV4202 turret traverse speed changed from 36 deg/sec to 48 deg/sec
- Engine power of the Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B was increased from 650 hp. up to 800 hp

🇩🇪 Panther mit 8.8cm L/71 rises from the ashes!
- Gun dispersion due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 12%
- Gun Accuracy at 100m changed from 0.32 m to 0.29 m
- Gun dispersion when rotating the turret has been reduced by 14%
- The gun aiming time has been changed from 2.5 seconds. up to 2.2 sec.
- The armor penetration of the Pzgr 39/1 L projectile has been changed from 203 to 223 mm
- The armor penetration of the Pzgr 40 L1 projectile has been changed from 237 to 261 mm
- The maximum forward speed was raised from 46 km/h to 50 km/h
🇺🇲 T95E2 has not yet become premium, but is already in line for up-to-date performance characteristics. Tomorrow the developers will make it a premium tank. The main problem of the tank is low armor penetration and alpha, so the developers improved its gun + etc.
- Gun dispersion due to movement and rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 14%
- Reload time changed from 7.5 seconds to 7 sec.
- The armor penetration of the AP M318 projectile for the 90 mm Gun M41E1 gun has been changed from 190 mm to 212 mm
- The armor penetration of the HEAT-T M348 projectile for the 90 mm Gun M41E1 gun has been changed from 250 mm to 265 mm
- Engine power was increased from 560 hp. up to 630 hp (15.17 -> 17.06 hp/t)
- The armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened from 114 to 254mm
nobody cares what is going on terrorist state server. let them make it north korea 2.o
this isnt NA server
I didn’t know there’s an Israel server!?
The IS6 should be nerfed, it has too strong ammo!
How the hell is 225mm APCR too strong?
I suspect that many of the remaining RU players are too busy enjoying realism to care.
Good job by rhe RU server. Hopefully these updates come to the other servers
Wtf why are they buffering the cheiftain??
Everyone is complaining how OP this track is and here they buffering it to be stronger??
Either this is sarcasm or you are confusing with tier X chieftain this article about tier 8 chieftain which is poo tank
What do you expect from a complete sh*tter?
Wow @ amphetaminelogic you do more damage to your own team than the enemy with those stats 🫣😂
That’s completely retarded comment
Are U, by any chance 40% WR & lower than 3k PR?
LOL shitlerpanther 88 was so pathetic for all time, then after YEARS got a MOBILITY AND AIM BUFF, now gets ANOTHER mobility and aim buff to… GUESS WHAT?…. STILL MAKE IT SHITLER.