WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.24 (American & French Tanks)


Was It became
Strength 2000 HP. 2200 HP.
Maximum speed 45 km/h 50 km/h
Power/weight 16.97 hp/t 17.81 hp/t
Stationary vehicle camo 8,27/1,73% 12,83/2,68%
Camo in motion 6,21/1,3% 9,58/2%

The dispersion of the gun while moving has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun when turning the hull has been reduced by 20%.
One of the very first branches of Tier X medium tanks, which has lost its relevance over time. Improving the parameters of camouflage and gun stabilization, as well as strength and mobility indicators, will increase the survivability and effectiveness of vehicles in combat.


Was It became
Strength 1700 HP. 1900 HP.
Accuracy at 100m 0,39 0,36
Armor penetration 218/265 mm 240/285 mm
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 9%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 9%.


Was It became
Gun reload time 6.8 s 6.2 s
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 20%.


Was It became
Power/weight 14.2 hp/t 17.68 hp/t
Gun reload time 7.8 s 6.9 s
Armor penetration with main projectile 208 mm 243 mm
Armor penetration with a special projectile 268 mm 280 mm
View range 390 m 400 m
The main AP T33 armor-piercing projectile has been replaced with the HVAP M304A1 sub-caliber projectile.
The HVAP 304 special sub-caliber projectile has been replaced with the HEAT-T M348A1 cumulative projectile.
T25 Pilot Number 1: the vehicle does not stand out for its performance characteristics in comparison with other tanks of the same class. Increasing the firepower of a vehicle by increasing armor penetration, rate of fire, as well as visibility and thrust-to-weight ratio will help make playing on a tank more fun.


Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.8 s 2.4 s
Power/weight 14.5 hp/t 16 hp/t
Forward speed 34 km/h 36 km/h
The dispersion of the gun when the chassis moves is reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun when turning the chassis has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 20%.
T54 Heavy Tank: The tank currently spends too much time aiming, which is detrimental to its effectiveness. Improving the dispersion and aiming parameters will increase shooting comfort and reduce the time the tank remains in the enemy’s sights. And an increase in engine power and maximum speed will allow you to quickly evade enemy fire and more quickly occupy important positions


Was It became
Armor penetration with a basic projectile 200 mm 236 mm
Armor penetration with a special projectile 250 mm 270 mm
View range 390 m 400 m
M4A1 Revalorise: in the current realities, the tank’s armor penetration indicators are no longer enough for an effective game. Improving armor penetration and visibility characteristics will allow the vehicle to detect enemy equipment earlier and confidently fire at it.

11 thoughts on “WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.24 (American & French Tanks)

  1. Hey WG EU! What you waitin for? Even the russkies have the balls and time. Still sleeping or fabricating premiums and useless tech tree lines? Balancing game like that written above (to buff even t25 pilot lol) is crucial for the game, so f… do your job and move! People are gettin pissed that you promised rebalancing weak tanks and did very little.

  2. Lesta again shows how over wargaming are and what important part of world of tanks were when they were as one

    1. Lesta was the dev studio for World of Warships. They weren’t involved in World of Tanks at all until Wargaming divested the RU server to them.

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