WoT Trade-In: Exchange Old Rust Buckets for Shiny New Toys

Trade-In is back! Now’s your chance to replace veteran vehicles with new recruits and save loads on the gold purchase price.

Speedy light tanks, versatile mediums, hard-hitting brawlers, and stealthy TDs can be yours by trading in a Premium vehicle from your current collection from 2024-01-29 at 09:00:00 (UTC) to 2024-02-08 at 09:00:00 (UTC).

Select one of the eligible Tier VI-VIII Premium vehicles, and half (or 60%) of the selected vehicle’s gold value will be deducted from the price of your new one. You can find the list of valid tanks in-game via the STORE and TECH TREE tabs.

Trade in Tier VI–VIII Premium Vehicle

This is available when purchasing new Premium vehicle of the same tier or higher that is also available in the Tech Tree. You can only trade in one vehicle at a time.

Get Half of Your Old Vehicle’s Value in gold

When trading in, half of your old vehicle’s value in gold will be discounted from the price of your new vehicle.

 For example: You can purchase a VIIILöwe for 9,800 gold (previously 11,200 gold) in exchange for a VIDicker Max (2,800 gold).

Important: If the vehicle you’d like to trade in is currently eligible for a Premium vehicle discount, the value of that vehicle may be affected. Discounted vehicles will be marked accordingly in the trade-in window.

Vehicles Unavailable For Trade-In



Important Considerations

  • Event Dates
    The trade-in feature will be available until 2024-02-08 at 09:00:00 (UTC).
  • Trade in Tiers VI–VIII
    You can only trade in vehicles of a lower or equal tier to the vehicle you want to purchase (no lower than Tier VI).
  • Trade-in One Vehicle Only
    You can only trade in one vehicle per transaction.
  • Gold Value Fluctuation
    The gold value of vehicles may be affected by active discounts on Premium vehicles.
  • Depot Storage
    Ammunition, equipment, consumables, and customizations applied to the vehicle being traded in will be automatically demounted and placed in the Depot for free.
  • Future Customizations
    Vehicle-bound customizations can only be used if you obtain the vehicle again in the future.
  • Vehicle Crews to Barracks
    The crew present in the vehicle that is being traded in will be automatically placed in the Barracks. You will not be able to trade in your vehicle if there are not enough free bunks in the Barracks to accommodate them.
  • Restore Unavailable
    Traded-in vehicles cannot be restored with the Restore functionality.
  • Garage Slots
    You don’t need to buy an extra Garage slot when trading in a vehicle. The new vehicle will be placed in the slot previously occupied by the vehicle you’ve traded in.

Which veteran from your Garage will you trade in for your next favorite ride?

Roll Out!

9 thoughts on “WoT Trade-In: Exchange Old Rust Buckets for Shiny New Toys

  1. If t103 is avaible and you have a t8 heavy that you dont drive or like … change it with t103 (t103 is extrem cheap like 6 or 7k gold) t103 can play as heavy and td, very underated tank

        1. Doh u can earn bonds I carnt earn gold.
          If I carnt ern bonds u must be a useless cúnt

            1. Try to tell that to everyone who uses gold or bonds to buy tanks…. which they don’t even know how to use 😂😂😂

          1. You can earn both gold and bonds. The value of gold has decreased over the years, because people get a lot of gold from loot-boxes. Gold you can also earn by using this app called Gold For Tanks. It’s not a scam and the amount of gold you earn depends on what apps you install and use. You can use my invite code “ypacw” to get some gold for free. I earned over 30k gold with this app in the last years, mostly by playing some games when I have nothing to do. Just waiting for the bus etc.

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