Michael Jordan’s Impact on Basketball: A Game-Changer (P)

When we think about basketball, one name immediately comes to mind – Michael Jordan. He’s not just the greatest basketball player ever; he’s a legend whose influence on the game goes way beyond the court. In this article, we’ll explore how Michael Jordan changed basketball, both on and off the court. We’ll also see how his connection to the exciting world of online basketball betting has made him an even more significant figure in the sport.

1. Making Basketball a Worldwide Sensation:

Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s, a time when the NBA was taking off. His amazing skills and winning attitude made the NBA famous not just in the USA but all around the world. This meant that more people started watching and getting into basketball – some of whom began to bet on basketball games online.

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WoT: Advent Calendar Is Back!

Commanders, Advent Calendar is back with us this year, reformed: it now works as its name suggests!

Every day from December 1 at 7:00 CET through December 26 at 7:00 CET (UTC+1), log in to the game, access the Advent Calendar via a window or a special object (a display column) in your festive Village, open a door, and claim a free surprise present. It’s as simple as that—but there’s more!

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Based on the constructive feedback provided by the community over the last weeks, we have decided to remove Airship Escort from Random Battles in Update 12.11.

We expected to see a shift in the Random Battles meta towards close-quarters combat-oriented and brawling ships, however, we did not see a significant and lasting impact in the results. We understand the preference of players wanting to pick ships that are more tailored towards the expected playstyle and realize the vastly different player experience in comparison to other game modes in its current state, and as a result, we have decided to remove this game mode from Random Battles.

This game mode is still widely popular, so it will see a return in 2024 as a standalone temporary battle type. We will update you about this when we have more information about it.

Thank you to everyone who provided the feedback that informed this decision.