WoT Supertest: Type 4 Ju-To Changes

Type 4 Ju-To (Japan, Tier-7, HT, techtree) Changes relative to the first iteration of the supertest.Firepower:
Gun 2/2 -105mm_Type_92_L45 (TOP)
• Gun loading: from 10.26 to 10.83 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 5.85 to 5.54

• Average damage per minute with 1 (AP) projectile: from 1,872 to 1,772
• Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) of a projectile: from 1,872 to 1,772
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 2,456 to 2,326
Turret 1/2 – (Stock)
• Tank durability / HP: from 1,300 to 1,200
Turret 2/2 – (TOP)
• Tank durability / HP: from 1,350 to 1,250
• Cost of repairing tank strength: from 7,830 to 7,250 credits

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