WoT Supertest: Tiger II (T) Detailed Stats + Possible “Girls und Panzer” Collaboration

Tiger II (T) [🇩🇪Germany, Tier-7, HT, premium]

Average damage: 240/240/295
Average armor penetration (mm): 203/237/44
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 6,52
Loading of the gun (sec): 9,2
Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 20,86
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 22,95
Gun elevation/depression (deg): -8/15
Aiming time (sec): 2,11
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,36
Average damage per minute: 1 564
Strength (HP): 1300
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 150/80/80
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 185/80/80
Track Repair time (sec): 12,03
Weight / maximum weight of the machine(t): 69,8/74
Engine power (hp): 700
Specific power (hp/t): 10,03
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 38/12
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 5,3/1,19
Camo in motion (%): 2,62/0,59
View Range (m): 380

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Crew 5 people: Commander; Gunner; Driver; Radio operator; Loader.
Role in combat: Assault Heavy tank.
Special category Equipment: Survivability.

This tank may be made into the Tiger II from Girls und Panzer, as a bunch of small details appear to line up:

source: reddit

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Also, don’t forget another notable famous vehicle from the show recently appeared on Supertest: the BT-42

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17 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Tiger II (T) Detailed Stats + Possible “Girls und Panzer” Collaboration

      1. Sorry no. I’m not going to watch anime and use it as an excuse to be a pedo. As clearly that’s something a degenerate like yourself does ….

  1. If they drop this i will have to tell my Russkie friends to launch a DDoS attack in the EU and NA servers so Wargaming can’t include it.

  2. ok but still these vehicle still need some thing. BT 42 need stander round to be AP and little more camo to play with, like 14% is still be shit but useable and the AP can overmatch some tank. All the other tanks will overmatch this tank, and there are bigger caliber with AP.

  3. The Tiger II (T) and the King Tiger (c) need armor Buff and have them both have the same stats, it just stupid to have one better then the other without trade offs. The king Tiger is just better right now. The way I fix these two tanks is to give them the tier 8 tiger II turret but have the face being 200mm, the front side being 100mm, the middle side being 90mm, the back side being 80mm, and the place that have tracks add 20mm like the Tiger II. Don’t touch the commander cupola and the hull of the tank. You can leave the turret top front plate on the king tiger at 40mm for balancing, but only if you do the changes otherwise Buff it to be 45mm and keep the turret like the way it is. But the other changes will be better for the gameplay and to fight it. also consider giving these tanks the 280 damage like the Tiger I and Tiger II have on the SAME gun is just stupid to not if you need to Nerf the reload then 9 sec should be fair (the DPM would be 1867.6),or 10 sec (DPM is 1680).

  4. I am not a fan of Girls und Panzer, but it would be funny to listen to more Sugoi from Quickybaby 😂

  5. Also, it’s funny how no one noticed in the original post for BT-42 that is matches the GuP tank (I guess because it’s a brand new one, not another Tiger II copy).

    1. Technically the model isn’t new, it’s based on the old official collab skin for the BT-7A.

    2. Oh please, plenty of people noticed.
      Why do you think that “Säkkijärven Polkka” is mentioned?
      Also, BT-42 model is different from the official mod for the BT-7A.

      1. I have neither watched Girls und Panzer, nor know Finnish. So I couldn’t have a clue why “Säkkijärven Polkka” is mentioned and what it means. I thought it’s something in Finnish, nohing more. I guess, it’s a reference to the anime, fair enough.

          1. Thanks for the info. But FYI Finland didn’t fight on the side of the Axis, they fought independently against USSR (the Winter war started in 1939 and ended in 1940 – a year before operation Barbarossa). Similar to how USSR was never part of the Allies, depsite the fact that both the Soviet Union and the Allies fought against the Axis.

            1. And again in 1941 with Jatkosota…
              As for the GUP, BT-42 and Jäkkijärven Polkka: an iconic moment in Der Film involves the Finnish school driving the BT-42 while the song is being played.