The characteristics listed below now include the commander’s bonus, rather than showing only the base stats, and also include more specific details
Tier VII AMX AC mle. 46

Suspension 1/2 – AMX AC mle. 46
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.24 (12.00) to 0.22 (11.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.24 (6.01) to 0.22 (5.51)
Suspension 2/2 – AMX AC mle. 47
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.22 (11.00) to 0.20 (10.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max.): from 0.22 (5.97) to 0.20 (5.42)
Gun 3/3 – 100 mm AC SA47
Aiming time: from 2.59 to 2.21 s
Frontal hull armor: from 120 to 140 mm
Tier VIII AMX 65 t

Suspension 2/2 – AMX 65 t bis
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.18 (4.69) to 0.18 (4.88)
Gun 3/3 – 120 mm D. 1203
Reload time: from 11.98 to 11.51 s
Rate of fire: from 5.01 to 5.21
Armor penetration with AP shells: from 218 to 225 mm
Armor penetration with AP shells at 500 m: from 195 to 209 mm
Average damage per minute AP shells: from 2,003 to 2,086
Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 2,578 to 2,686
Frontal hull armor: from 100 to 115 mm
Suspension 2/2 – AMX 65 t bis
Hull rotation speed: from 26.07 to 27.12 deg/s
Turret 2/2 – AMX 65 t tourelle classique de 120
Viewrange: from 370 to 380 m
Tier VIII AMX M4 mle. 49/Liberté

Aiming time: from 2.78 to 2.40 s
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.22 (8.80) to 0.18 (7.20)
Dispersion from chassis turn (max.): from 0.22 (5.74) to 0.18 (5.63)
Dispersion from turret/gun rotation (max):: from 0.16 (4.67) to 0.12 (3.50)
Hull rotation speed: from 26.07 to 31.29 deg/s
View range: from 370 to 390 m