WoWS: New ships – Closed test 12.7

Japanese researchable battleships Yumihari, Adatara, and Bungo, as well as Japanese premium battleship Tsurugi have been added to the game for testing.

For the upcoming closed testing session, a branch of Japanese battleships will be added to the game. At Tier VIII, the main battery is represented by eight 410mm guns, and at Tiers IX and X – by eight and ten 457mm guns, respectively.

The new ships are stealthy battlecruisers, relying on long-range guns with good accuracy and high damage per salvo, as well as a new type of equipment – Spotting Aircraft with high-precision optics. When active, this type of Spotting Aircraft increases not only your main battery guns’ range but also their accuracy.

Among the disadvantages of these new battleships are their low HP pools, weak armor, and weak AA defenses.

Japanese battleship Yumihari, Tier VIII

After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Japan adopted the “Eight-Eight Fleet” plan, according to which their fleet was to consist of eight battleships and eight fast armored cruisers. This plan went through a number of changes: in particular, the armored cruisers were replaced by battlecruisers, and the number of ships was reduced. However, after the outbreak of World War I, ship construction resumed. The design of the new battlecruiser was an evolution of the Kongō class ships. The design was later changed and resulted in the Amagi class.

Japanese battleship Adatara, Tier IX

After the United States announced an ambitious shipbuilding program in 1919, the Japanese naval plan was revised: it required four battleships and four battlecruisers to be built. Thirteen variants of battleships and battlecruisers were proposed. The so-called “Project A,” which became the Kii-class, was chosen as the battleship, and “Project K” was chosen for the battlecruisers. Construction was scheduled to begin in 1922, but because of the Washington Conference, these battlecruisers were not laid down.

Japanese battleship Bungo, Tier X

After revision of the Japanese fleet development plan, new battleships and battlecruisers were ordered. Project L, an enlarged version of Project A, which became Kii class, was developed. It was also armed with five main battery turrets but with larger caliber guns. However, this design exceeded Kii in displacement by 9,000 tons, which would have resulted in a significant increase in cost. Both Kii and these ships were prevented from being built by the Washington Conference, which resulted in a temporary ban on battleship construction and a limit on total tonnage.

Ship parameters

Japanese battleship Yumihari, tier VIII

Hit points – 62200. Plating – 25 mm. Torpedo protection – 26 %.

Main battery – 4×2 410 mm. Firing range – 22.8 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 6500. HE shell armor penetration – 68 mm. Chance to cause fire – 30%. HE initial velocity – 834 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 12000. AP initial velocity – 870 m/s.
Reload time – 26.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 35.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 248 m. Sigma – 2.20.

Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.

Secondary Armament:
8×2 127.0 mm, range  – 6.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2100. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 725 m/s
12×1 140.0 mm, range  – 6.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2400. Chance to cause fire – 10%. HE initial velocity – 850 m/s

AA defense: 14×3 25.0 mm., 20×2 25.0 mm., 16×1 25.0 mm., 8×2 127.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 287, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 105, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 5, damage within an explosion – 1470, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 30.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 880 m. Rudder shift time – 15.2 s. Surface detectability – 14.7 km. Air detectability – 11.0 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 14.8 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party
2 slot – Repair Party
3 slot – Fighter / Spotting Aircraft with high-precision optics (Duration time 65 s; Main battery firing range +10.0%; Max shell dispersion: -20%; Reload time 120 s; Charges 5)

Japanese battleship Adatara, tier IX

Hit points – 71100. Plating – 25 mm. Torpedo protection – 29 %.

Main battery – 4×2 457 mm. Firing range – 23.9 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 7300. HE shell armor penetration – 77 mm. Chance to cause fire – 35%. HE initial velocity – 805 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 13500. AP initial velocity – 860 m/s.
Reload time – 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 45.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 256 m. Sigma – 2.20.

Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.

Secondary Armament:
12×1 140.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2400. Chance to cause fire – 10%. HE initial velocity – 850 m/s
6×2 100.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700. Chance to cause fire – 6%. HE initial velocity – 1000 m/s

AA defense: 10×3 25.0 mm., 15×1 25.0 mm., 6×2 100.0 mm., 12×2 40.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 123, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 231, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 151, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 6, damage within an explosion – 1470, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 30.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 880 m. Rudder shift time – 16.2 s. Surface detectability – 15.0 km. Air detectability – 11.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 16.5 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party
2 slot – Repair Party
3 slot – Fighter / Spotting Aircraft with high-precision optics (Duration time 65 s; Main battery firing range +10.0%; Max shell dispersion: -20%; Reload time 120 s; Charges 5)

Japanese battleship Bungo, tier X

Hit points – 82800. Plating – 25 mm. Torpedo protection – 36 %.

Main battery – 5×2 457 mm. Firing range – 25.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 7300. HE shell armor penetration – 77 mm. Chance to cause fire – 35%. HE initial velocity – 805 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 13500. AP initial velocity – 860 m/s.
Reload time – 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 45.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 264 m. Sigma – 2.20.

Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 11.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4900.0.

Secondary Armament:
12×1 140.0 mm, range  – 7.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2400. Chance to cause fire – 10%. HE initial velocity – 850 m/s
8×2 100.0 mm, range  – 7.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700. Chance to cause fire – 6%. HE initial velocity – 1000 m/s

AA defense: 20×3 25.0 mm., 17×1 25.0 mm., 8×2 100.0 mm., 16×2 40.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 193, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 294, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 193, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 8, damage within an explosion – 1540, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 30.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 960 m. Rudder shift time – 17.4 s. Surface detectability – 15.0 km. Air detectability – 12.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 16.5 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party
2 slot – Repair Party
3 slot – Fighter / Spotting Aircraft with high-precision optics (Duration time 65 s; Main battery firing range +10.0%; Reload time 120 s; Max shell dispersion: -20%; Charges 5)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing.


Japanese battleship Tsurugi, Tier IX

The battleship and battlecruiser designs included in the “new eight-eight fleet” had minimal differences. “No. 13” battlecruisers had practically no difference in speed from battleships of the Kii class. This was beyond the scope of Japanese accepted naval tactics with the “fast wing of the fleet.” To increase speed and turn the “No. 13” class into a true battlecruiser, one option would have been to remove one of the main battery turrets. However, the construction of the “No. 13” class ships was canceled after the Washington Agreement was signed.

Tsurugi is a battlecruiser with powerful long-range main battery guns. She is also equipped with deep-water torpedoes similar to Asashio’s, but with a shorter range.

The ship is also notable for its high speed and good concealment. As for her disadvantages, she has a small HP pool and weak armor, particularly around the citadel.

Ship parameters

Japanese battleship Tsurugi, tier IX

Hit points – 69700. Plating – 25 mm. Torpedo protection – 41 %.

Main battery – 3×2 457 mm. Firing range – 23.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 7300. HE shell armor penetration – 77 mm. Chance to cause fire – 35%. HE initial velocity – 805 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 13500. AP initial velocity – 860 m/s.
Reload time – 28.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 45.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 234 m. Sigma – 2.05.

Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.

Torpedo tubes – 2×4 610 mm.
Equipped with deep torpedoes that can hit only battleships and aircraft carriers

Maximum damage – 20967. Range – 15.0 km. Speed – 67 kt. Reload time – 150 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 0.9 km.

Secondary Armament:
4×2 140.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2400. Chance to cause fire – 10%. HE initial velocity – 850 m/s
8×2 127.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2100. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 725 m/s

AA defense: 12×3 25.0 mm., 20×1 25.0 mm., 8×2 127.0 mm., 8×2 40.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 165, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 158, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 102, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 5, damage within an explosion – 1540, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 35.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 970 m. Rudder shift time – 16.0 s. Surface detectability – 14.1 km. Air detectability – 11.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 15.7 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party
2 slot – Repair Party

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

Naming reasons for new Japanese battleships

The Imperial Japanese Navy was unique in that, when choosing ship names, special attention was paid to the beauty and melody of their sound. As it is known, since 1905 it was a rule to give battleships the names of historical provinces, and for battlecruisers and heavy cruisers – of mountains on the Japanese islands. But at the same time, the ships that were transformed into another class got to keep their given names. For example, battleships Kongo, Hiei, Kirishima, and Haruna – named after mountain peaks – are battlecruisers that entered service by 1915, were thoroughly modernized, and reclassified in the 1930s as battleships.
For the new Japanese battleships we have tried to follow similar rules. Yumihari was named after the mountain peak near where the largest naval base, Sasebo, is located. Adatara – in honor of an active volcano in Fukushima prefecture on the island of Honshu. The top of the branch – Bungo – bears the name of a historical province in the east of Kyushu Island. Finally, Tsurugi is named after a mountain on the island of Shikoku. The name in Japanese is also used to refer to a type of sword from the early Middle Ages, which later became one of the sacred relics of Shintoism.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

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