WoT Supertest: LTS-85 In-Game Screenshots

LTS-85 (USSR, Tier-8, LT, premium)

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21 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: LTS-85 In-Game Screenshots

  1. This one I am really excited for. High alpha but has a big silhouette and no armor offset by high speed. Seems balanced. I am always ready for fun or challenging light tanks.

    1. Not really high speed though. 65 is on the lower side of tier 8 LT standard.
      The gun is absolutely shit. Camo is mediocre.
      It’s far away from being balanced.
      Not total garbage but definitely a bad tank in general.

      1. Dakillzor: You can never tell how a tank will perform from the stats alone, you have to actually play the tank.
        Asian monkey boy: I know exactly how something will perform from a stat sheet because the opinions of a 3k wn8 player is not just opinions, they are facts!

        Most delusional human being i’ve ever encountered.

        1. This clueless pigeon tries his best to find a place in existence, but unfortunately, reality often disappoints him.
          If you want to be a bit less clueless, I suggest 2 words: mechanics & practice.
          Maybe one day you’ll be able to find out what is the relationship between them.
          And you’ll be able to form close-enough results from what you’re given.
          It might take a while for people like you, but don’t worry, it’s possible.

      2. This is an Object 906, but as usual, as I noticed, the WG directly spoils it, as the Object 705A has 650 alpha instead of 750 alpha and the Object 268v4 has 650 alpha instead of 750 alpha. Or the LT 432 light tank, which never existed and uses an Object 432 chassis. Fucking WG and the brainchild of fantasy!

        The Object 906 in reality BR-372 has 230 mm penetration at 100 meters and the 3BK7 HEAT has 300 mm penetration, 3BK7M HEAT with 320 mm penetration . As I say, it can be seen here that the WG despises its own Soviet tanks and directly humiliates them!

        1. No offense but the stats you’ve listed would be great on a real tank but as far as game balanced goes they’d have to be crazy to let the tank have those parameters.

          1. In Tier 10, it would work as a sniper light and scout! You’re a brain dead WOT fanboy and you can’t think critically!

            You accept that you like that you are assisting the retarded WG habit that a premium tank is for spamming premium ammo. This should be changed so that there is no such toxic and bad opinion about WOT!In Tier 10, with real ammunition penetration values, it would represent value in the Soviet tech tree as a regular tank under the name Object 906 and with a real muzzle brake, because even that is not real on it!

            1. I’m sorry this offends you so, perhaps I would have seen your argument more favorably had you mentioned you were wanting ithe light tank on the tech tree in tier 10 In the first place. As far as the 705a and obj 268v4 both would be imbalanced with more alpha imo. 268v4 has arguably way too much armor and speed atm already.
              And a 705a in the right spot is extremely hard to pen as well. E-100 has terrible pen and less favorable armor in comparison.

        2. What the fuck is this “This is an Object 906, but as usual, as I noticed, the WG directly spoils it, as the Object 705A has 650 alpha instead of 750 alpha and the Object 268v4 has 650 alpha instead of 750 alpha.” even suppose to mean?

          How has WG spoiled it by giving them 650 alpha? Like how retarded are you? Do you think thanks have Hitpoints and alpha damage in real life or what the fuck is going on here..

          1. I talked about how the WG destroys the Soviet tanks. How much alpha does the E100 15cm gun have, or the Object 268v5? The 705A is 152mm M51, the 268V5 is 152mm M53 Is something wrong? 152 mm caliber? It’s cruel how many idiots there are in the game, that’s why WG can sell all shit, like a bag of dead fish!

            You’re also a brain dead person who can’t understand a sentence!

            1. And since when did WG say that guns of equal size are suppose to have the same alpha? Who decided that was a thing? Oh thats right, nodoby!

              It’s fucking laughable how dudes like you and the asian monkey go online and complain about the game and your opinions arent backed up by anything logical what so ever. You just have this dumb fucking idea that guns of a certain size should do x amount of damage, but why? Why the fuck would that be a thing? So you can jerk your tank historian cock?

              Nobody fucking gives a shit about the caliber and alpha damage correlating because it makes no fucking difference.

              “You’re also a brain dead person who can’t understand a sentence!” Has it crossed your mind that maybe the reason why i can’t understand a sentence is because you speak broken fucking english and cant spell you fucking retard.

  2. Another tank that illustrates why WG needs to institute Tier 11-12 to allow for proper balancing.

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