WoT CT 1.19.1: Chinese Heavy Tank Changes

BZ- 75
(China, Tier-10, HT, techtree, mechanics: rocket boosters).
Changes regarding the first iteration of the supertest.
* Removed the alternative high-explosive gun from the tank.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Tested”.
• Module repair cost: from 9,540 to 8,700 credits
• Cost of 1 (AP) shells: from 1,740 to 1,680 credits
• Cost of 2 (HEAT) shells: from 6,800 to 6,400 credits
• Cost of 3 (HE) shells: from 1,170 to 1,510 credits
• Stealth of a vehicle in motion after a shot: from 0.42% to 0.48%
• Stealth of a stationary vehicle after a shot: from 0.84% ​​to 0.95% 

(China, Tier-9, HT, techtree, mechanics: rocket boosters).
Changes regarding the first iteration of the supertest.
* Removed the alternative high-explosive gun from the tank.
• Tank price: from 3,500,000 to 3,700,000 credits
• Module repair cost: from 8,380 to 7,960 credits
• Cost of 1 (AP) shells: from 1,100 to 1,315 credits
• Cost of 2 (HEAT) shells: from 5,200 to 5,600 credits
• Cost of 3 (EP) shells: from 1,020 to 1,030 credits
• Stealth of the vehicle in motion after firing: from 0.42% to 0.47%
• Stealth stationary vehicle after firing: from 0.83% to 0.94%

 (China, Tier-8, HT, techtree, mechanics: rocket boosters).
Changes regarding the first iteration of the supertest.
• Cost of 1 (AP) shells: from 1,025 to 790 credits
• Cost of 2 (HEAT) shells: from 5,600 to 4,800 credits
• Cost of 3 (HE) shells: from 608 to 570 credits
• Engine Power: from 700 (1,750 at rev.) to 770 (1,925 at rev.)
• Specific power: 13.21 (33.03 at rev.) to 14.53 (36.33 at rev.)

(China, Tier-9, HT, premium).
Changes regarding the first iteration of the supertest.
• A short description of the tank has been added:
Large caliber, strong turret
• A detailed description of the tank has been added:
A Chinese heavy tank with a unique combination of a strong turret, powerful armament and a gun depression angle uncharacteristic for vehicles of this nation, which, coupled with a ricochet-shaped turret, will help to play confidently « from relief.
• Added equipment: Regular large repair kit (Endless).
• Changed tank class: from “Premium” to “Promotional”.
• Added tank tag: “Unique”
• Tank health repair cost: from 18,000 to 20,000 credits
• Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.19 (5.70) to 0.19 (6.65)
• Gun loading: from 16.49 to 13.90 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 3.64 to 4,32
• Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) projectile: c 1,892 to 2,244
• Average damage per minute of 2 (HEAT) projectile: from 1,892 to 2,244
• Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) projectile: from 2,401 to 2,848
• Cost of 1 (AP) projectile: from 1,350 to 1,200 credits
• Cost of 3 (HE) projectile: from 1,140 to 850 credits
• Max. forward speed: from 30 to 35 km/h

7 thoughts on “WoT CT 1.19.1: Chinese Heavy Tank Changes

    1. Because they could not make them work, easy. Have fun with a 20 seconds loading gun that does 100 damage on a non-penetrating hit.

      Unless WG reverts the HE nerfs, these guns will never work (BZ-176 works only because it has high pen HESH).

        1. Tanks with proper weakspots (not pixel sized, easily penned by standard ammo) should be the norm, not the exception. I guess it’s far too late for that though, WG would have to rework a lot of armor models and players have gotten too used to not caring about weakspots.

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