WoWS: Ship balance changes — 0.11.5 Closed Testing

Based on an analysis of their combat effectiveness and player feedback, we’re applying balance changes to the Kansas-Vermont American battleship branch, United States, and submarines.

Kansas-Vermont branch changes

To improve the playability of these ships and highlight their firepower as a feature, part of the characteristics of these American battleships are being changed to those that were previously tested on Connecticut.

The ships will retain their usual gameplay style, with low speed and high salvo weight. However, thanks to their new engine settings, playing on them will become a more dynamic experience. Changes to their armor and their Repair Party consumables, in turn, will increase their survivability, as they often soaked up a lot of damage due to their low speed and large size.

VIII Kansas:

  • Reload time of the Repair Party consumable reduced: 80 to 40 s
  • The engine parameters have been changed: the acceleration for both forward and reverse movement has been significantly improved

IX Minnesota:

  • Reload time of the Repair Party consumable reduced: 80 to 40 s
  • Armor thickness of the athwartship raised bulkhead beneath the forward superstructure increased: 25 to 38mm
  • The engine parameters have been changed: the acceleration for both forward and reverse movement has been significantly improved
  • Detectability by ships reduced: 17.54 to 16.4 km. Other types of detectability reduced proportionally

X Vermont:

  • Reload time of the Repair Party consumable reduced: 80 to 40 s
    • The amount of HP restored by the consumable from damage received in the citadel, including from torpedoes hitting the citadel area, has been increased from 10% to 50%
  • The engine parameters have been changed: the acceleration for forward and reverse movement has been significantly improved
  • Casemate side armor increased from 38 to 51 mm
  • Detectability by ships reduced: 18.02 to 16.02 km. Other types of detectability reduced proportionally
  • Parameters of the main battery shells have been changed to better match the updated concept of the branch:
    • Increased the flight time of projectiles over long distances
    • Increased armor penetration at close range
    • Reduced armor penetration at long distances

  United States:

  • Tactical Squadron maximum torpedo damage reduced: 8,200 to 7,600
  • Chance to cause flooding reduced: 68% to 63%.

Submarine changes:

Added dispersion when launching torpedoes:

  • U-69  -11 ° for bow and 3 ° for stern tubes
  • U-190  – 11 °  for bow and 5 ° for stern tubes
  • U-2501  – 16 ° for bow tubes
  • U-4501 – 11 ° for bow and 16 ° for stern tubes
  • Cachalot  – 11 ° for bow and 5 ° for stern tubes
  • Salmon  – 11 °  for bow and stern tubes
  • Balao  – 16 ° for bow and 11 ° for stern tubes

This change will make it much harder to hit the same spot on a ship with a salvo of unguided torpedoes.

U-190 and Salmon:

Reduced the time before forced ascent when the sub’s dive capacity is depleted. This will reduce the ability of these subs to escape detection underwater even after exhausting their dive capacity.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

2 thoughts on “WoWS: Ship balance changes — 0.11.5 Closed Testing

  1. MASSIVE buffs show just how poor they were upon release.
    With such MASSIVE buffs one must ask, HOW did these ships pass testing and fin al release in the first instance?.

    But no questions shall be asked…

  2. I’m still waiting for them to un-nerf Florida. It was balanced for a deadeye meta that no longer exists. Give it a normal bb heal at least.

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