WoT EU: Bonus Code


The TikTok Code Pursuit

We’re launching our brand-new social media channel with an exciting new event: the TikTok Code Pursuit. This concept should be familiar to anyone who knows about YouTube Subscriber Milestones. Here’s a quick explanation of how the new event works:

  • Every new subscriber on our TikTok channel gets us closer to a subscriber milestone.
  • Every time we reach a milestone, we’ll hide a bonus code in a fresh TikTok video.
  • Only a limited number of people will be able to activate the code, so you’ll have to be quick to claim it.
  • Once claimed, you will receive tokens  and a bonus mission.
  • Complete the mission to earn more tokens.
  • Tokens can be collected and traded for great rewards in the Twitch Drops Store.
The first code will be revealed once we reach 5,000 followers, and the next one will drop when we reach 10,000.
1 5,000 4 2
2 10,000 4 2
3 15,000 4 2
4 20,000 4 2
5 30,000 8 6

Choose Your Own Rewards

The TikTok Code Pursuit will reward you with the same tokens  that you can earn from Monthly Twitch Drops. These tokens can be exchanged for the same rewards of your choice, including consumables, days of WoT Premium Account, and more. If you want an even faster way to get your hands on these valuable rewards, try earning tokens both ways. Check out the list of available prizes below:

Premium Consumables Pack:

  • 5 Large Repair Kits
  • 5 Large First Aid Kits
  • 5 Automatic Fire Extinguishers
5 5 times per account
Premium Food Pack:

  • 5 Pudding and Tea
  • 5 Case of Cola
  • 5 Strong Coffee
5 5 times per account
Premium Food Pack:

  • 5 Chocolate
  • 5 Buchty
  • 5 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
5 5 times per account
Personal Reserves Pack:

  • 2 Personal Reserves: +50% to XP for 1 hour
  • 2 Personal Reserves: +200% to Crew XP for 1 hour
  • 2 Personal Reserves: +200% to Free XP for 1 hour
6 5 times per account
3 “Grin en Face 2” decals 5 2 times per account
x5 XP for a victory with any vehicle 6 5 times per account
1 day of WoT Premium Account 8 5 times per account
3 days of WoT Premium Account 15 3 times per account
7 days of WoT Premium Account 30 Only once per account
[NEW!] Streamline 2D style 25 Only once per account
Ad Astra 2D style 20 Only once per account
Moon Viewing 2D style 20 Only once per account
VIT78   90 Only once per account
VIPudel   100 Only once per account
VIHeavy Tank No. VI   100 Only once per account
VIIIKanonenjagdpanzer 105  rental for 10 battles  20 Only once per account
VIIICaernarvon Action X  rental for 10 battles
20 Only once per account
VIIIŠkoda T 27  rental for 10 battles
20 Only once per account
VIIIChrysler K  rental for 10 battles
20 Only once per account


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