WoT: “Reaper’s Scythe” 3D style for the Object 430U – Pictures

This is one of the four 3D styles from the upcoming eighth season of the Battle Pass. Style treated as fictional, valued at 750 gold.

Suitable for vehicles: Object 430U.

Description of the style in English:

  • “Do not be distracted by misguided morals, my brothers. Your existence is justification in itself. All will rot with you, and only endless gardens of blight and decay will remain for us and our flies to feast upon. A new world and a new life will spring in those gardens. This is the life we ​​welcome! The life blessed by Grandfather Nurgle — the only God. Those who have accepted Him will understand that everything is a never-ending cycle, that hope blooms out of despair, and that decay leads to rebirth — a blessed rebirth. Our enemies squirm knowing their life is finite. It is we who give them a choice: Turn to dust, or experience the miracle of a rebirth under His banners. Become new sprouts in His gardens — His boundless gardens of blight, decay, and new blossoms. “