Supertest: K-91-2 – Changed Stats

The K-91 Version II has appeared in the Supertest more than once, but has undergone balance changes for Tier IX in the current iteration of the test.


– K-91 variant with a front turret. The vehicle was developed by the Design Bureau of the Military Engineering Committee under the direction of A.F. Kvavceva between March and August 1949. It was planned to install a 12-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine with anti-parallel pistons. The mounting brackets with ski-shaped supports were to be used as support rollers. Development of the project was suspended in the planning phase in December 1949. K-91-2. Statistics with crew at 100%:

Tier: MT-8, USSR, special   MT-9, USSR, special / premium?
HP: 1 350   1 600
Engine: 930 hp   900 hp
Power-to-weight: 19,58 hp / t   18,95 hp / t
View range: 380 m   390 m
Hull armor: 140 / 80 / 45   110 / 60 / 45 mm
Turret armor: 220 / 100 / 60   220 / 90 / 60 mm

Gun: 100 mm D-46TK

Alpha Damage: 250 / 250 / 330   300 / 300 / 400
Penetration: 212 / 290 / 50   248 / 320 / 50 mm
Rate of fire: 8,34   8,69 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 086   2 608 (with HE 2 754   3 477)
Reload time: 7,19 s   6,90 s
Aiming time: 2,11 s   2,01 s
Gun Depression / Elevation: -5 ° / +20 °   -6 ° / +20 °
Shell velocity: 1 150 m/s / 980 m/s   1 450 m/s / 900 m/s

Aim spread:

  • during turret rotation: 0,10   0,12;
  • during vehicle movement: 0,18   0,12;
  • during vehicle rotation: 0,18   0,12;
  • during turret rotation at maximum speed: 4,69   5,63;
  • at the maximum vehicle speed: 9,90   6,60;
  • at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 9,39   6,26.

Camouflage Values

  • Camouflage of the vehicle during motion: 12,43 / 2,46 %   12,82 / 2,54 % (on the move / after firing a shot on the move).

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