Bugs in the latest update 1.16.1

• Outline of the enemy is green;
• Outlining of an ally is red;
• Outlining yourself (tank) in green when standing in vegetation (bushes) and other objects;
• Delayed red outline on enemies.
• Sometimes the silhouette of an allied tank is highlighted when the cursor is not hovering over this tank (during the countdown) + while in countdown it is possible to enter sniper scope.

• If the “low quality” checkbox is checked in the sound settings, then the sounds have deteriorated for some reason (for example, during the countdown), as if a game is running in several realities at the same time and arty is hitting you every second.
Fix: uncheck this box in the Sound Settings.

• The inability to change the equipment preset with the mouse cursor during the countdown of the battle – it can only be changed with the keys.
• Launching the game – Does not respond.
• Battle Pass extended date is bugged.
• Incorrect calculation of useful Damage Panel in the battle on the bottom left (damage, ramming, assists, spots). In some cases everything is just 0.
• Loading delay when exiting a battle.
• Infinite loading of updates in WGC and freezing at x% (5-6% usually).
Temporary fix: Run the x32-bit version of the game client.

Special mechanics bug:
The 🇵🇱CS-63 in “X” mode(gas turbine engine) does not deteriorate performance (stabilization), as it should.
A similar bug has already happened with the 🇫🇷Panhard EBR 105 2 times in 2021. As a result, we get this bug 3 times only on another tank.

To make it work: Upgrade the Field Modifications on 🇵🇱CS-63 until you can choose 2 setups of equipment, if you have upgraded it you have to change the equipment on the battle loading screen/battle countdown, from preset 1 to 2 (or 2 to 1). Further, presumably, do not change engine modes until the end of the battle.

13 thoughts on “Bugs in the latest update 1.16.1

  1. What a total fck up.
    Enemies outline is green lmao
    Allies outline is red lmao
    This game has always been a joke now it’s not even worth laughing at this mess

  2. What a fcking joke!
    Allies are red and enemies are green?! Lmao
    This game is beyond a joke. No wonder they selling it off lol

  3. Finally! All those people who want to be on the Red Team have their wish!

    Until WG gets its post-Russian exodus worked out I expect to see a lot of this sort of thing.

  4. TO BE FAIR: your own team tries to kill you JUST AS MUCH as the enemy does
    the outlining seems appropriate

  5. The unasked question: What were they trying to quietly change in the CS-63 or in the Field Modifications that gave rise to this bug?

    1. Lol so even their developers are 43% players just like the Russian army in real life lmao

  6. “Launching the game – Does not respond”

    Yes ! Have this problem too !
    I tried everything but problem still continue

    Thx this update -_-

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