Thanks to one of our reader who made this huge list which includes all the Top of the Tree tanks. You can speculate now what’s going to be the next one.
CS-63 was top of the tree at some point
I think, it wasnt…
Next one coming up is……….. another tank?
Let me think of I give a shit … Nope
Wanna bet it will be the Rinoceronte and the Vz.55?
Agree to Rino or VZ. At least Rino should be for sure.
They did not put the new lines as TOTT, not to “harm” their sales, but now, when Yoh tanks are introduced, they can do discounts on the “older” new lines.
They did put the 705a when it was 2 months old though, but it was a votr system in forums back then.
It won’t be auto(re)loader tank…
Single shot gun tank…most likely TD…no one likes to play.. it will be.
Perhaps arty 😉 😉 😉
IS-7 is also missing
Rheinm. PZwgn was Dec 2019
I’d guess S Conq, but they just did 3 brit tanks.