WoT Advent Calendar Day 18 – 🇩🇪 Rheinmetall Skorpion + Daily Mission

Also available for 33€

In-game offer:
  • https://ru-wotp.wgcdn.co/static/5.6.2_896aed/wotp_static/img/core/frontend/scss/common/components/widgets/content-tank/img/uk.png Rheinmetall Skorpion
  • 25x Missions: 5x XP for a victory
  • 100% trained crew
  • Garage slot

Price: 10,100 gold

Daily Mission:

10 thoughts on “WoT Advent Calendar Day 18 – 🇩🇪 Rheinmetall Skorpion + Daily Mission

    1. Yes.

      Go into the STORE menu, and select the second option (called BEST) in the left collumn.
      And click “TO THE CALLENDAR”.

  1. It’s a bit like a KV2, it can be laser accurate and absolutely rock but other days (tbh most days) a fully aimed shot nose dives into the dirt or bounces off an ELC Even 90.

  2. Can someone recommend me tank?
    It must have great armor, no weak point, big alpha, high penetration, good aim time and drive fast and make many credit?

    1. Mauerbrecher is best tank. Top armor. Monster gun. Land battleship. More loot than Fort Knox. True beast.

    2. 5/1 raac – great gun, with turbo decent speed, great pen on standard shells, very good turret.

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