Update 1.15: 🇬🇧 Caliban – Changed Stats

https://ru-wotp.wgcdn.co/static/5.6.2_896aed/wotp_static/img/core/frontend/scss/common/components/widgets/content-tank/img/uk.png Caliban. Statistics with crew at 100%:

Gun: QF 6-inch Caliban

Reload time between autoloader shots: 4,0 s   3,75 s

Aiming time: 4,31 s   3,93 s

Camouflage values:

  • Camouflage of the stationary vehicle: 6,78 / 1,02 %   7,01 / 1,05 % (for the stationary vehicle / for the stationary vehicle after firing a shot);