According to colleagues from wotclue, we can expect a new challenge (marathon) for a tier 8-9 premium tank at the end of November (or the beginning of December).
No major details so far.
According to colleagues from wotclue, we can expect a new challenge (marathon) for a tier 8-9 premium tank at the end of November (or the beginning of December).
No major details so far.
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I hope it’s a buffed Mauerbrecher, the one we have is shit
I bet it’s either the amount 30 alt prot or one of the T 9 prems
There’s several candidates available.
My calls
Tier 8 = WZ-113-II (IIRC it’s already available on CHN), M-IV-Y (not too sure about this one since it’s tied to a new branch), AltProto AMX 30
Tier 9 = Lorraine 50t or Cobra (both received full stats and went to supertest a while ago)
I pray for Cobra, it looked fun to play
I hope its in December, my wedding is on the end of November so I dont have time there^^
No wedding, marathon 🙂
Imagine making the bride wait because you have to power grind in a videogame… 😀
But seriously, congratulations!
Just postpone the wedding, WOT is more important !
Marriage is better, you spend less money than at wot
well, 1 will cost maybe 10-20€ with some time spending, the other will cost 7-8000€ with follow-up costs and a lot more time
Not an easy decision 🙂
Would be a problem, if I let her wait since next time she sees me I would get killed 😉
Wedding? Good try, incel
Nice try Incel detector, your sensors are wrong. He’s not lying.
Marathon first , prison… I mean marriage , later.
The last few marathons didn’t greatly interest me, or I lacked the time for them. My hope is that it’ll either be the Yoh or the Bofors heavy.
What sad twat actually does these events? If I want a tank I pay for it.
Not going to waste 30 hours playing s game. When I can do 2 hours of real life work and pay for tank
What sad twat does pay for free stuff. If I want, I stay home and play the game as much as I want as a free person, instead of working more than 40 hours a week like a slave, a wage slave and then coooooonsooooooming the tank, by paying for it. No pleasure!