Tier: HT-8, Great Britain, premium
HP: 1 500
Engine: 950 hp
Mass: 40,67 t
Maximum load: 43,0 t
Power-to-weight: 23,36 hp / t
Max speed / Reverse speed: 30 / – 12 km / h
Hull turning speed: 29,2 °/s
Turret turning speed: 20,0 °/s
Turret rotation angles: 85 / 85 °
Terrain resistance values: — / — / —
View range: 370 m
Radio range: 782 m
Hull armor: 130 / 35 / 35 mm
Turret armor: 250 / 80 / 50 mm
Gun: QF 6-inch Caliban
Alpha Damage: 950 / 650
Penetration: 180 / 292
Rate of fire: —
Damage per minute: 2 973
Rounds in autoloader: 2 rounds.
Reload time between autoloader shots: 10,0 s
Reload time for one shell: 28,8 / 19,2 s
Complete reload time: 47,94 s (Time between firing the last shell in the magazine and loading a new magazine)
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,6
Aiming time: 7,0 s
Depression / Elevation: -10 ° / +12 °
Rounds in ammo rack: 25 rounds
Crew – 3 members: Commander, Driver, Loader
Equipment category: Service life.
Role in battle: Breakout tank
Camouflage values:
- Camouflage of the stationary vehicle: 6,78 / 1,02 % (for the stationary vehicle / for the stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
- Camouflage of the vehicle during motion: 3,42 / 0,51 % (for the moving vehicle / for the moving vehicle after firing a shot).
well at least its camo values are dogshit
Its a kv-2 on tier 8
Except it has sh*tloads of armor and HE pen, which can actually pen something
At first I was happy it was a heavy tank, but now I am noticing I cant use my camo net effectively anymore, noooooo