April Top of the Tree: 🇺🇸 XM551 Sheridan and 🇫🇷 Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

The American XM551 Sheridan and the French Bat.-Châtillon 25 t will be Top of the Tree in April and May.

April 5, 2021 to May 5, 2021: XM551 Sheridan
April 20, 2021 to May 20, 2021: Bat.-Châtillon 25 t.

4 thoughts on “April Top of the Tree: 🇺🇸 XM551 Sheridan and 🇫🇷 Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

  1. great… more retard T49 + Sheridan drivers with the HE derp.

    The end times are here

      1. im on his side, option 1. Camping Derp-Noobs which want to snipe.. Option 2. Yolo-Derp-Noobs, dying on their way to a Leopard somewhere on the map.. Option 3. Scouts are scouting – Chance to get this type of scout is approx. 15%

        1. You know, its hard scout with it because its big slow box. Its hard to snipe and deal dmg with it because you cant hit shit and when you did, you do like 300dmg.
          Your only hope are paper tanks, when you need all games luck so you can do 900 once in 10 battles.

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