Looks pretty much finished. I guess they will release it for the Chinese new year.
Now this tank is utter trash. Slow reload gun of over 13 seconds, Unreliable armor after the nerf (which most tanks with 220+ pen can shoot through), and very slow speed for a medium. At least with 135mm ftp it is good enough to compensate with the slow reload, but now I dont see any point of getting it over the T-34-3 which is getting buffs in 1.2.
They should’ve nerfed only the lower plate, 2 gigantic weak spots in the turret, less dpm than a T34 and slow for a medium, mediocre to bad soft stats and has apcr as standards, that means alot of pen loss and less normalization.
T-34-3 is better and has pref matchmaker.
Well well well, not only the upperplate is nerfed, also the lowerplate is nerfed from 125mm to 105mm.
Now you have a blind big very sluggish medium tank with useless firepower and useless hull armor…… Lets call this failure (if the armor doesn’t change back) the new Chinese piñata. It will be worse then the 59-patton
Looks pretty much finished. I guess they will release it for the Chinese new year.
Now this tank is utter trash. Slow reload gun of over 13 seconds, Unreliable armor after the nerf (which most tanks with 220+ pen can shoot through), and very slow speed for a medium. At least with 135mm ftp it is good enough to compensate with the slow reload, but now I dont see any point of getting it over the T-34-3 which is getting buffs in 1.2.
They should’ve nerfed only the lower plate, 2 gigantic weak spots in the turret, less dpm than a T34 and slow for a medium, mediocre to bad soft stats and has apcr as standards, that means alot of pen loss and less normalization.
T-34-3 is better and has pref matchmaker.
Well well well, not only the upperplate is nerfed, also the lowerplate is nerfed from 125mm to 105mm.
Now you have a blind big very sluggish medium tank with useless firepower and useless hull armor…… Lets call this failure (if the armor doesn’t change back) the new Chinese piñata. It will be worse then the 59-patton