Supertest: K-91-PT Changed Stats

K-91-PT. Statistics with crew at 100%:

Max speed / Reverse speed: 45 / –20 km / h   52 / -23 km/h
View range: 360 m   390 m
Hatch armor: 220   260 mm

Aim spread:

  • during vehicle movement: 0,19   0,14;
  • during vehicle rotation: 0,19   0,14;

8 thoughts on “Supertest: K-91-PT Changed Stats

  1. Guess it depends on how different the armor model is from a normal K-91, but we will see. The V4’s issue afterall stemmed from mobility paired with a lack of frontal weakpoints paired with a gun that wasn’t bad enough to reflect that.

  2. Nerf everything that isn’t russian in ST, Buff the russian tanks in ST

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