Tier: MT-8, Polska, standard
HP: 1 300
Engine: 710 hp
Mass: 39,875 t
Maximum load: 41,0 t
Power-to-weight: 17,81 hp / t
Max speed / Reverse speed: 50 / -17 km / h
Hull turning speed: 44,0 °/s
Turret turning speed: 41,7 °/s
Terrain resistance values: 0,959 / 1,151 / 1,918
View range: 380 m
Radio range: 740,4 m
Hull armor: 80 / 60 / 40 mm
Turret armor: 130 / 60 / 40 mm
Gun: 100 mm armata wz. 58
Alpha Damage: 300 / 300 / 410
Penetration: 212 / 290 / 53 mm
Rate of fire: 7,276 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 182,7
Reload time: 8,247 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,364
Aiming time: 2,4 s
Depression/Elevation: – 8 ° / + 15 °
Gun: 100 mm armata wz. 53
Alpha Damage: 300 / 300 / 410
Penetration: 175 / 230 / 53 mm
Gun: 100 mm armata wz. 49
Alpha Damage: 300 / 300 / 410
Penetration: 174 / 220 / 53 mm
Rounds in magazine: 40.
Shell speed: 966 m/s
Crew: 4 members: Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader
Aim spread:
after firing: 3.836;
during turret rotation: 0.096;
while the vehicle is moving: 0.173;
during vehicle rotation: 0.173;
during turret rotation at maximum speed: 3.84;
at the maximum vehicle speed: 8.63;
at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 7.59.
Camouflage Values:
fixed tank camouflage: 30.7%;
tank camouflage during motion: 23.1%;
fixed tank camouflage (while shooting): 6.08%;
moving tank camouflage (while shooting): 4.57%.
175mm pen ap shells @ teir 8 , that didn’t work 5 years ago so the delusional balance department is at it again . I think ill give the whole line a miss if this is the shit theyre trying to pass off as balanced
Are you crazy? 212 and 290 gold pen with 300 alpha looks pretty competitive to me. The camo values and GD are also really nice. I’d say this thing looks better than most older premiums and tech tree tanks.
Actually…. Looks a little OP. but yea
I was looking at the first 2 guns dude , did you even bother to look @ the pen of them ? 174mm and 175mm. What sort of misery will that cause if you cant free exp the top gun
That’s actually pretty good for stock guns
Literally almost all other stock Tier 8 MT gun are worse than this.
T44, Indien Panzer, Centurion 1, STA-1, Pantera, and maybe others which I don’t bother look.
But Yeah blame WG first for every single thing. Reeee
That is not the full gun….. Do you want a full 212 at stock gun???
So they nerfed the armor a little bit from 90/75/45 to 80/60/40? seems like a logic nerf because other way this thing was like a T-44 with better gun before. So now is a T-44 with better gun but a little worse armor
That pen increase from stock gun (174/220) to second gun (175/230) lol…
Still, isn’t 290 gold pen way, WAY too high? That’s close to what Lowe has with APCR.
If thats a prem, i am sold
Good news. This is the tech tree version.
Good news is you can get it for coin, the bad news is that everyone else may have them…sorry, no pay to win this time.
That’s the techtree Tier 8.
The premium is this —> https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2020/06/03/supertest-%f0%9f%87%b5%f0%9f%87%b1-cs-52-complete-stats/
Updated stats —> https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2020/06/07/supertest-%f0%9f%87%b5%f0%9f%87%b1-cs-52-changed-stats/