You “master” a tank when you earn more Base XP in a single battle than the highest average Base XP earned in a single battle by 99% of players of that same tank within the past seven (7) days.
Simply put, just try and beat the average — doing so earns you 6×Tank Mastery emblems!
If you attain mastery in one of the tanks below while the Tank Mastery mission is active, you also get a +100% (2 hours) Free XP Personal Reserve!
Tank Mastery Missions: August 2019
MISSIONS BEGIN: August 5, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
MISSIONS END: September 6, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
Important: Mission Activation Information!
To play Tank Mastery Missions for a vehicle during its Mastery Wave, you must use it’s redemption code (one per vehicle) by clicking the “ACTIVATE” button. The codes are only valid during the live Mastery Wave, and they appear in the in-game client when activated.