Time for one more leak, from one of our readers! 😀
These are the changes in the current supertest client:
Various parameters relating to drag, and flooding speed were reshuffled for a few ships.
All the new German and Russian vessels made regular, upgradeable vehicles.
Planes now orbit at 1km when set to assist, instead of 3km (unclear if this includes escort fighters).
Some aircraft (various fighters & scouts/scout fighters) given parameters usually associated with divebombers, likely they will either get bombs or a strafing attack.
Mogami’s speed increased from 34 to 34.5 knots for all hulls.
Bogue’s speed increased from 16.0 to 16.5 knots for all hulls.
Japanese torpedo bombing distance increased by 40 (presumably meters) for all torpedo bombers.
Bomb Falling Time parameter added.
Tatsuta’s speed increased from 32.0 to 32.5 for all hulls.
Independence’s speed increased from 31 to 31.5 for all hulls.
Escort fighter patrol parameters removed. (I assume they will make them controllable? I’m not sure.)
F6F is now in the game’s files.
Fletcher’s speed increased from 36.0 to 36.5 for all hulls.
Taiho’s speed increased from 33.0 to 33.5 for all hulls.
Atago’s max speed increased from 35.0 to 35.5.
Gearing’s engine evidently was represented incorrectly in the client (did not affect actual performance in-game) its engine power is now listed at 60,000 instead of 5.
Hindenburg’s Secondaries had various changes to their field of fire.
Russian torpedo ET 46 XP research price increased to 2,200,000 from 30,000, credit cost decreased from 2,200,000 to 30,000 (this was a mistake, I’m fairly sure).
Kawachi now rolls approximately 38% less while turning, rudder power increased by 5,000%
Kawachi’s max speed for A hull decreased from 21.0 to 20.0, B hull is untouched.
Tirpitz max speed increased from 30.0 to 30.5.
Bismarck max speed increased from 30.0 to 30.5.
Nagato’s engine power decreased from 84,000 to 82,300.
Sampson’s max speed increased from 29.0 to 29.5 for all hulls.
Grumman TBF attack speed decreased from 113.0 to 80.0, bombing start point distance increased from 58.1 to 80.0, bombing attack point distance decreased from 46.0 to 45.0, and the turn radius was slightly increased from 5.9 to 6.0.
Essex’s max speed increased from 32.0 to 33.0 for all hulls.
Sims’ max speed increased from 38.0 to 38.5.
Kuma’s max speed increased from 34.0 to 35.5 for all hulls.
Diana’s engine power increased from 11,600 to 11,610.
Ranger’s max speed increased from 29.0 to 29.5 for all hulls.
Cimarron target engine power decreased from 100,000 to 11,000.
Chester’s max speed decreased from 26.0 to 24.0 for all hulls.
Tashkent’s A hull research cost lowered from 1,200,000 to 800,000 (the A hull is automatically researched when you buy a ship, so this doesn’t mean anything)
Baltimore’s max speed increased from 32.0 to 32.5 for all hulls.
Cimarron invisible’s engine power decreased from 100,000 to 26,500.
Wakatake’s max speed increased from 35.0 to 35.5 for all hulls.
Cimarron’s engine power decreased from 100,000 to 26,500.
Efficiency of dogfighting skill changed from 1.0 to 0.1 (no idea how this factors into the calculation of DPS).
Aoba max speed increased from 34.5 to 35.0 for all hulls.
Fuso’s A hull tonnage decreased from 200,000 to 39,105.
Hakuryu’s max speed increased from 34.0 to 34.5.
Mk.13 Aerial torpedo (U.S.) max speed increased from 34.0 to 36.0.
New Orleans’ max speed increased from 32.0 to 32.5 for all hulls.
Warspite’s max speed increased from 23.0 to 23.5.
Zao’s max speed increased from 34.0 to 34.5.
Ishizuchi’s max speed increased from 27 to 27.5.
Yorck’s B & C hull tonnage decreased from 200,000 to 10,000.
Farragut’s max speed decreased from 37.0 to 36.5 for all hulls.
Diana Asus’s engine power increased from 11,600 to 11,610.
Cimarron Shooter’s engine power decreased from 100,000 to 11,000.
Atlanta’s max speed increased from 32.0 to 32.5.
Tashkent B hull’s research cost decreased from 29,000 to 20,500, credit cost decreased from 2,400,000 to 1,600,000
Zuiho’s flag made slightly smaller.