Blyskawica, Nikolai I and Tone Leaked Stats & Pictures


Tier 6 Polish DD Blyskawica

7 x 120 mm with 9.2 rpm

Torpedoes with 8 km range, 57 kt speed and 14400 dmg, 70 sec reloading time

Tier 4 Soviet BB Nikolai I

4×3 12 inches gun with 36 sec reloading time, 180 degrees in 56,25 sec, dmg AP = 8600 AP ; dmg HE = 4500

Tier 8 Japanese CA Tone

4 x 2 8 inches gun with 4 rpm, 180 degrees in 36 sec.

Torp 10 km, 62kt,  76 sec reloading time, 17k dmg