Copyright issues [Wargaming, DMCA & more]

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You can remember the article Undercover Brother sent us, with the MoO pics… well the pics got removed cause WG made an copyright infringement (lol). So they indeed check out my blog… Guess this is the price for posting pure leaks. I always hated copyrights. And yes, the infringement comes from Cyprus.

I swear sometime in the future (when enough money will be available), I will move the blog somewhere where I can get no copyright infringements. Sigh.

Do not worry WG, several friendly news sites have reposted the pictures. I will just provide them from there.

BloodSnow: Sorry guys, I had to remove all the links that Sebastianul shared. I’m currently trying to settle things down with DMCA. This blog is about to hit the big stage and DMCA takedowns are the last thing we want. They’re bad for business. The article will remain sticky until the notices are withdrawn and our record will be clean again. Feel free to use the comment section, share your thoughts. Also, please remember this is just a small note, nothing serious.