WoWS TAP Q&A III – Picked Questions

I sorted out through your comments and selected a fair amount of your questions that will be directly sent to the Russian developers on the Russian forum as soon as possible. And I selected 29.
Let’s begin:
1) What can we expect from British cruisers compared to other nations? (USN AAA, IJN Torps, DPM strong or AP ammo)
2) Can we expect some changes or addons to the report system soon?
3) Do you plan to implement a +1 or +2 tier cap into divisions to prevent divisions like Montana+Erie?
4) Can we expect German BBs in 2016?
5) Have you plans to differentiate between Battleships and Battlecruisers?
6)Will the Atlanta receive a much needed buff? Or the Tirpitz guns buffed to be on par with other tier 8 BBs?
7)what will be the next nation after Royal Navy? France? Italy?
8)can Belfast end up as premium similar to Aurora, Kutuzov, Mikasa and Blyskawica all being museal ships today?
9) Why is it that German WW1 ships are carrying the Kriegsmarine flag and not a Naval ensign/flag from the Kaiserreich (1870-1918), similarly to how the Imperator Nikolai carries an Imperial Russian rather than Soviet flag? And is there any chance it could be changed? (Note: The Kaiserreich flag has no swastika in it)
10) What are the most likely ships to come as Royal Navy premiums? Maybe you can implement the HMS Abercrombie?
11) When we can expect japanese voice acting? I mean, for the crew (not anime)
12) Will it be possible to put flags of the countries and flags with different emblems in the ships like in World of Tanks?
13) When are you going to put a premium ship in the tech tree?
14) Will Arkansas Beta be given some kind of AA ability?
15) Will the mid tier American battleships be given the catapults and aircraft they had during WWII?
16) Aurora’s AA range was buffed, will the tier 3 St. Louis AA be buffed as well?
17) Will the tirpitz, mikasa, blyskawica and warspite be premium shop exclusives or will they ever be added to the tech tree?
18) Do you expect any ships in the future to exceed the firepower or armour of the yamato?
19) Are there candidates for tier 8 premium battleships for the USA and IJN? if there are can you give us a clue as to what they are?
20) Is there still the possibility of a heavy cruiser and light cruiser split?
21) Do you plan an armour viewer for WoWS so we can see the weaknesses and strengths of ships we have unlocked?
22) Do you plan on telling us the penetration characteristics of the main caliber or secondary artillery in the game?
23) Are more ship class abilities planned?
24) Is there a chance that destroyers would be able instead of firing torpedos to be able to lay down mines?
25) We hear of PvE modes in development with ai controlled auxiliary cargo ships or port facilities to be escorted / captured (destroyed). Will this involve making flag capture points much smaller and being able to attach them to a moving vessel or a fixed landscape object (wharf)? And will this style of mode be considered for development in pvp games?
26) Is the permanent camouflage available for doubloon purchase going to change from the current one (“new year’s”) ? And if it does, will we have to repurchase them? (the current camo is not exactly the prettiest)
27) Will there be anytime HD ship models in the game, even as an option?
28) When we can expect the weather?
29) When the training room will come as an official option?