WoT Blitz – Coming Soon. Ep 41. New Tanks, Quests and Rewards!
WoT Blitz – A-Typical Event 2.0
WOT Express: New Marathon for Q1 2025
Right now the developers are making a new marathon, which will be released in Q1 2025. Yes, the timing for the release of the marathon is not standard. This is not an additional chapter of Battle Pass!
We’ll talk about the tank itself a little later.
WoT: Changes to Researchable British Twin-Barreled Heavy Tanks Compared to Supertest
WoT 3D Attachments: “Modified Minigun” In-Game Screenshots
Modified “Minigun” –
“You need to think bigger. Say you have a machine gun: the magazine is empty – load a new one. And who knows what will happen during that time. The “baby” M134 is a different story. With it, enemies run out faster than the belt.”
Continue reading “WoT 3D Attachments: “Modified Minigun” In-Game Screenshots”
WoT 3D Attachments: “Flamethrower Guitar” In-Game Screenshots
Flamethrower guitar –
“I have nothing against the roar of tanks and the cannonade of artillery, but isn’t it time for us, boys, to listen to something a little more melodic? Load up your ‘instruments’: let’s rock this hole!”
Continue reading “WoT 3D Attachments: “Flamethrower Guitar” In-Game Screenshots”