WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1 Detailed Stats
BZ-74-1 (China, Tier-8, HT, premium)
Average damage: 420/420/550
Average armor penetration (mm): 223/270/61
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 4.47
Loading of the gun (sec): 13.42
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WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference
BZ-74-1 (China, Tier-8, HT, premium)
Historical reference
The vehicle was developed under the influence of the M48A3 tank received from the USA. The model has a classic layout with a cast hull welded from parts, as well as a welded turret made of rolled sheets. Many solutions for the chassis and hull were taken from the American vehicle.
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WoT 1.27.1 Common Test: FV229 Contender In-Game Screenshots
FV229 Contender (Great Britain, Tier-9, HT, techtree, new mechanics: choice of firing mode)
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WoT 1.27.1 Common Test: FV227 Conceiver In-Game Screenshots
FV227 Conceiver (Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, techtree, new mechanics: choice of firing mode)
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WoT 1.27.1 Common Test: FV224 Chopper In-Game Screenshots
FV224 Chopper (Great Britain, Tier-7, HT, techtree, new mechanics: choice of firing mode)
Starter tank, tier 7 from the future sub-branch. To research this tank you need 60,000 exp. This experience can be accumulated in advance on the tier 6 Churchill VII. The opening comes after the TOP gun.
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WoT 1.27.1 Common Test 2: List of Changes
Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles
Fixed Issues and Improvements
- Fixed the issue of vehicle technical characteristics overlapping the Equipment, Directives, Ammunition, and Consumables screens, when accessing them from the Combat Reserves menu in Frontline.
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