Project CW: Complete Vehicle List for Alpha 2

In the 2nd Alpha, a few more vehicles were added, but most of the ones from the 1st Alpha remain locked. The developers have added only two new playable tanks. However, there are more vehicles present in the client than what is shown in the game. Every tank has been renamed in the 2nd Alpha, and the in-game interface now displays the vehicle’s name.

For the full release, every tank and agent needs to be finalized, along with completing the full progression for all vehicles. How long this will take, given the minimal progress over the past year, remains unknown.

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Project CW: List of All Available Maps

In Alpha 2, the developers changed the loading screens of all maps, completely finished the Aircraft Carrier map, and added a new location, Project Phoenix. They also tested several more prototypes inside.

The current list of available Project CW maps as of early 2025:

  • Map: Headquarters
    Tech Name: ballistic
    Note: This is actually a Training Ground map and is launched separately as a mode.

Continue reading “Project CW: List of All Available Maps”

Project CW: Great Change Log Is Here, As Well As The Start Of Alpha 2!

Status Effects and Internal Module Interactions

Status Effects Integration: Internal modules have been updated to support new status effects, introducing dynamic interactions during battles.

Four key effects—Fire, Electronics, Dazing, and Slowing—now exist as interactive mechanics within the game world, triggered by targeting critical modules on vehicles or interacting with the world.

Continue reading “Project CW: Great Change Log Is Here, As Well As The Start Of Alpha 2!”