4 thoughts on “WoT – Steel Hunter: Challenge and Tournament

    1. Just a waste of two weeks/weekends. They should run Frontline for two weeks straight, but we only get 3 weeks today a year.

      1. To each their own.

        For me ( and the MANY others out there who look forward to this mode ), we enjoy the break from AFKers, BOTs and the many short-bus riders who fill regular battles AND Frontline.

        Frontline USED to be very enjoyable, but now teams are mostly filled with campers. The current reward system rewards the red-line snipers. WG could have fixed this by increasing the rewards for a win / reducing rewards for a loss ( credits, XP, etc ) . . . but they don’t.

  1. They should make frontline every weekend. They’ll always be players to play that.
    I’m enjoying onslaught though. But once again another temporary game mode with shit rewards.

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