
Blog e-mail: // BloodSnow & Sebastianul – we’ll forward messages to our authors if the situation requires so.

We are open to publishing sponsored articles with links.

Active blog authors: Seb (EU – TAP Founder), KSA (EU) and Sgt_Zephyr (EU)

Inactive staff: BloodSnow (EU – currently semi-active), Veroxx (Lithuania, posting machine), Sirchby (Indonesia – semi active, used to translate stuff), TankaTed (US, used to be active when Seb was sleeping, currently busy), Erwin (France, posting videos and replacing Seb sometimes, when he can’t post), Piroman (your Serbian everyman, posts funny stuff meaningful modeling/history content), Wowanator (Vlad, our former translator), Tomah4wk (inactive), Shipmaster_Crook (posting the new WoWS flags and representing the WoWS International Facebook Group), Atikabubu (War Thunder expert + translator), GrimmaceNA (WT poster) and Motoko (analyst).

You can also contact us using this form:

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22 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Great new blog! I read your post in today’s WoT NA Forum (9/4/2015), and I will try to link your future posts to the NA Forum.

    One quick thought, though — perhaps you can include an ARCHIVE gadget. I know that sometimes readers return to a blog to find a particular post, and an ARCHIVE would make that task easier. Perhaps place it under the RECENT POSTS gadget. (I’ve used wordpress for my blogs, too!)

    I’ll try to send you a few $$ in the near future, perhaps you can use it to purchase the wordpress domain (eliminate “wordpress” in your address). Unfortunately, I work in the Alberta (Canada) oilsands (Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada), and our local economy has taken a beating with the drop in oil prices — lots of people losing their jobs, so I have have to make sure that I have $$ saved in the bank in case I lose my job, too!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. So, since the Blog already covers WoT, WoWs and WT – how about expanding it in regard to Armored Warfare? I know, it’s still in Early Access/Closed Beta but I think it’s a REALLY strong contender in the Online Tank biz and will be BIG. I love it so far and any coverage here would certainly help expand the audience and visitor numbers.

  3. Aye, nice blog, wish you had more stuff for blitz. They have German light sneak peek videos that just came out today… Its a fun game.

  4. Hi Guys
    I started in Jan 2017, but i lost my BT-7 Art. somehow!!!???
    Have any of you got a BONUS Code for getting it, or a gold compensation codes for it
    I’m EU Server on WoT Blitz, but i do have WoT and WoWS + WoWP.

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