WoT Supertest: Lätt Stridsfordon 120 Changes

Lätt Stridsfordon 120 (Sweden, Tier-9, TD, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension with button activation). The fourth iteration of the Lätt Stridsfordon 120 was released for Supertest.

Changes regarding basis 1.23.
• Cost of repairing tank: from 14,250 to 10,500 credits
• Gun loading: from 11.51 to 9.59 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 5.21 to 6.26

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The Future of World of Tanks: 2024 Edition (Roadmap for 2024)

We had a blast in 2023, but now we’re excited about what the future holds!

2024 will bring even more epic battles, new achievements, tweaks to your favorite modes, enhanced crews, new challenges and rewards for clan players, three new branches, three new mechanics, dynamic Random Events, and much more!

Believe us, you won’t want to miss out!

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WoT: How Much Experience is Needed to Research The New Japanese Branch

Tier 5 – (Mitsu 108) = 12,700 exp.
* this experience can be accumulated in advance for tier4 Type 1 Chi-He.
The researching comes after the TOP engine.
Tier 6 – (Ju-Nu) = 27,500 exp./48,650 exp.
Tier 7 – (Ju-To) = 51,600 exp./122,550 exp.
Tier 8 – (Type 57) = 98,200 exp./253,350 exp.
Tier 9 – (Type 68) = 156,900 exp./452,150 exp.
Tier 10 – (Type 71) = 222,100 exp./756,850 exp.

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