WoT Supertest: TS-60 Changes

TS-60 (USA, Tier-9, TD, promotional)
The fourth iteration of the TS-60 also entered the Supertest.

Changes regarding basis 1.23.
• Gun loading: from 7.19 to 8.53 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 8.34 to 7.03
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.40 to 0.38

• Dispersion from movement (max.): from 0.20 (7.00) to 0.25 (8.75)
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max.): from 0.20 (5.84) to 0.25 (7.30)
• Average damage per minute with 1 (AP) projectile: from 3,338 to 2,813
• Average damage per minute with 2 (HEAT) projectile: from 3,338 to 2,813
• Average damage per minute 3 with (HE) projectile: from 4,297 to 3,621
• Engine power: from 850 to 800 hp
• Specific power: from 15.45 to 14.55 hp/t
• Hull weight: from 32,481 to 32,470 kg
• Chassis weight: from 8,865 to 8,861 kg
• Tank weight: from 55,015 to 55,000 kg

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