WoT Battle Pass Season VII Progression Chart

Good day tankers,

Here is the fourth iteration of progression charts for battle passes. For those who are either lazy, with a job, or some other silly excuse. 🙂

** Completion of all 3 chapters unlocks a hidden chapter prior to the end of battle pass. I’m going to assume it is 50 extra levels, upping from 1.66/day to 2.2/day. Will update with more information **

WoT NA: Compensation Complete

Good Evening Tankers,

Due to a previous error in information regarding the sale of Large Boxes on the North American server for World of Tanks, WGNA has decided to compensate those who have purchased Large boxes within a certain time frame. Which has now been completed.

As a reminder, the compensation is as follows:

  1. 1 Anti-Duplicator charge per Large box purchased.
  2. 1,500 Shards per Large box purchased.

As a reminder, if you have not received your shards and/or anti-duplicator charges, you can submit a ticket to WGNA.

WoT NA: Compensation being rolled out

Good morning Tankers,

Due to a previous error in information regarding the sale of Large Boxes on the North American server for World of Tanks, WGNA has decided to compensate those who have purchased Large boxes within a certain time frame.

The compensation is currently being rolled out right now in the form of Anti-Duplicator charges within the Decorider. The shards have yet to be rolled out.

As a reminder, the compensation is as follows:

  1. 1 Anti-Duplicator charge per Large box purchased.
  2. 1,500 Shards per Large box purchased.

Wot NA – Server downtime

Source: WorldofTanks NA

Tankers, We are currently experiencing a power outage in one of our data centers, causing game services to go offline. Our team has been hard at work bringing services up in our backup data center and is still working on the solution. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the problem we do not expect service to return until Saturday, April 24 at 02:00 PT | 04:00 CT | 5:00 ET. All account data and progress are safe and will be available when the server returns.

Players are our number-one priority. We understand your frustration and thank you for your support and patience during this interruption.

We will issue compensation for the downtime once the issue is fixed—details are to come in a future message.

Anton Pankov
Product Director, World of Tanks