WoT RU: Shot Kal Alef In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Shot Kal Alef (United Nations, Tier-9, MT, techtree)
In the late 1950s, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) acquired several British Centurion Mk. 5 tanks, which were designated Shot (meaning “whip”) in Israel. Deliveries of these tanks continued, eventually bringing the total number of Shot tanks in service to over a thousand.

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WoT EU: Composition of Emerald Loot Boxes

  • [NEW] Prototipo 6 (Italy, Tier-8, MT, premium, autoreloader with a 3-shell magazine)
  • [NEW] Object 168G (USSR, Tier-8, MT, premium).
  • [NEW] Lätt Stridsfordon 120 (Sweden, Tier-9, TD, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension with button activation – aka. siege mode)
  • Char Mle. 75 (France, Tier-9, LT, premium, autoloader with 6 shells in different engine modes)
  • Object 752 (USSR, Tier-9, premium, autoloader for 3 rounds)
  • T 54D (Germany, Tier-9, MT, premium)
  • Turtle (Great Britain, Tier-8, TD, premium)
  • K-2 (USSR, Tier-8, HT, premium)

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WoT CN: Composition of Emerald Loot Boxes

With the event’s release on the EU server and the introduction of new vehicles in loot boxes, the Chinese region will receive one completely new tank. Over time, these exclusive CN-region vehicles also become available in other regions, but new ones continue to be added there.

This time, a premium tank has been added to the loot boxes: Chrysler MTC 2TC (USA, Tier-8, MT, premium). It comes along with the same vehicles available in loot boxes across all other regions of the game.

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WoT: Paint It GREEN festival!

Start: March 13, 2025 at 05:00 CET / End: March 19, 2025 at 23:00 CET (UTC+1)

Collect Lucky Seals by playing and make your fortune in Steel Hunter and Random Battles. Three Emerald Chests, packed with rewards that may include three brand-new Premium vehicles, are your lucky treats to celebrate the Paint It GREEN festival!
Enjoy the festivities and follow the shamrock path to glory and riches!

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