WoT: Account Update – Steam and WGC Access Expanded

We are making it easier than ever to access World of Tanks and continue your game through the platform of your choice. Starting from March 6, World of Tanks gives you total freedom to play on your terms. Thanks to extensive improvements in our account infrastructure, you can seamlessly switch between Steam and the Wargaming Game Center (WGC) while keeping your progress, vehicles, and achievements. No matter where you choose to play, the battlefield remains yours to command!

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WoT: Release Notes of Update 1.28 – Polished Steel


  • Two crew perks have been updated (with no grace period for their reset):
    • Practicality now decreases consumable cooldown time by 15% (or by 30% with the Thorough Preparations directive).
    • Reliable Placement now increases HE shell damage absorption by 15%.
  • The filter toggles on the crew member change screen and in the Barracks now remember the settings selected by the player.

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WoT Supertest: Brennos In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Brennos (France, Tier-8, HT, premium) was released on February 20 for the WoT Supertest.

Historical Reference:

After World War II, the French decided to create a heavy tank taking into account the accumulated experience. All pre-war and wartime French heavy tank projects were taken into consideration. A clear German influence could be sensed in many parts and components, since France had abundant information about the Panther and the King Tiger.

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WoT Supertest: Vercingétorix In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Vercingétorix (France, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: engine mode change) was released on February 26 for the WoT Supertest.

Historical Reference:

A project developed in the mid-1950s as an alternative to the AMX-50 program. The hull was designed to be as low as possible, and many of the technical solutions already contained elements of the future AMX-30.

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