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Category: World of Tanks
WoT: Spring Surprises Await in the Refreshed Token Store
WoT: Release Notes of Update 1.28 – Polished Steel

- Two crew perks have been updated (with no grace period for their reset):
- Practicality now decreases consumable cooldown time by 15% (or by 30% with the Thorough Preparations directive).
- Reliable Placement now increases HE shell damage absorption by 15%.
- The filter toggles on the crew member change screen and in the Barracks now remember the settings selected by the player.
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WoT Supertest: Vercingétorix Detailed Stats
Vercingétorix (France, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: engine mode change) was released on February 26 for the WoT supertest.
The tank has a change of engine mode like the Char Mle. 75. This is the second French tank with such mechanics.
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WoT – Update 1.28: Polished Steel
WoT Supertest: Brennos In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference
Brennos (France, Tier-8, HT, premium) was released on February 20 for the WoT Supertest.
Historical Reference:
After World War II, the French decided to create a heavy tank taking into account the accumulated experience. All pre-war and wartime French heavy tank projects were taken into consideration. A clear German influence could be sensed in many parts and components, since France had abundant information about the Panther and the King Tiger.
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WoT Supertest: Vercingétorix In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference
Vercingétorix (France, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: engine mode change) was released on February 26 for the WoT Supertest.
Historical Reference:
A project developed in the mid-1950s as an alternative to the AMX-50 program. The hull was designed to be as low as possible, and many of the technical solutions already contained elements of the future AMX-30.
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