Fixed Issues
- Fixed the issue related to the unexpected behaviour of the Close button in the vehicle preview window. Now, when clicking the Close button, the player goes back to the Garage.
- Fixed the issue, when the Valentine II was displayed as the Valentine I tank in the Garage.
- Fixed the issue, when the aiming circle elements did not respond to changing transparency.
- At square C2 on the Glacier map, vehicles no longer can drive inside the ship that keeps them from driving out.
- On the Nebelburg map, the collision model of a particular building now matches the real model.
- Edited some names of the graphics settings in the game client.
- Edited the penetration decals of HE shells.
- Fixed the client crashes upon minimizing and maximizing it in WinXP.
- Fixed the issue related to improperly displayed vehicle track textures.
- Fixed the issue related to improperly displayed styles on enemy vehicles.
- Now, Emblems are displayed properly.
Known Issues
- The penetration marker is always red on some vehicles.
- The fullscreen mode is not saved.
- Issues related to texture details are observed on the Glacier map.
- On the Ensk map, a chimney levitates after the structure is destroyed.
- When the track effects are disabled, tesselation is displayed partially on the rollers.
- Freezes in some cases when the player’s vehicle is destroyed.
- FPS drop in the sniper mode when aiming through semi-transparent bushes.
- Low performance at the Ultra settings during the first seconds after loading a map.
- Performance drops in some cases when switching to the sniper mode.
- Performance drops when objects are destroyed by the HAVOK technology.
- When in the full-screen mode, the signal (game) frequency does not correspond to the screen refresh rate.
- Sound gets muted in one of the channels.
- Sometimes, the actual default state of the map border does not correspond to the map border default option.
Other Changes
- Fixed a number of issues related to various map objects.
- Only one server (WoT CT P1) will be available when this test stage is launched. The launch of the WoT CT P2 server will be announced separately.