WoT Supertest: Windhund

The Windhund (“a greyhound”) is a turretless sniper tank destroyer with a hydropneumatic suspension which gives the vehicle –10° of maximum gun depression plus improved gun accuracy and aiming time in the Siege mode.

Due to its wedge-shaped hull (with a 50 mm sloped frontal armor plate), the Windhund looks much like Swedish TDs. Yet it is more mobile in the Siege mode, where the top forward and reverse speeds are both 15 km/h. In the Travel mode, these speeds are 50 km/h and 30 km/h, respectively.

The Windhund carries a precise 105 mm gun with an average single-shot damage of 320 HP but excellent shell penetration and speed: 265 mm and 1,200 m/s for the standard AP round and 305 mm and 1,450 m/s for the special APCR round. Even the HE shells fly at 1,200 m/s. The base reloading time is 7.9 s, giving the Windhund a nice DPM potential.

6 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Windhund

  1. Oh look Swedish gimmicks tanks copied to German tanks.
    What’s next? Tanks that can fly because a child once draw a sketch on some toilet paper…

  2. yes, we are in dire need of more tds, especially siege mode dogshit ones!
    playing the game isnt punished heavily enough, and 7 tds in a single game is not sufficient yet.

  3. Travel mode allows Windhund and fall guys to move faster, at 50 km/h and 30 km/h when reversing, which will help the car avoid getting stuck or being attacked unexpectedly.

  4. As someone who likes siege mode tanks, going 22.27 KPH while in siege mode would be really cool. Maybe even some 15cm bounces with that front plate, maybe.

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