The E 65 Zwilling (🇩🇪 Germany, Tier VIII Heavy Tank, Premium, double-barreled gun mechanic) was introduced to the WoT Supertest on March 13th.
This is the first double-barreled tank for Germany. Details on how it will be obtainable are currently unknown.
Since the 🇩🇪 E 65 Zwilling features the double-barrel mechanic, all firepower stats are highlighted separately:
Double-Barrel Mechanic:
- Gun reload time (1st/2nd barrel): 6.71 / 6.71 sec
- Reload time (full / between barrels / number of barrels): 13.42 sec / 1.5 sec / 2
- Salvo preparation time: 1.50 sec
- Gun switch time: 1.50 sec
- Reload lock time after salvo: 6 sec
- Recoil force after salvo: 200
Other Firepower Stats:
- Average damage: 280/280/370
- Average penetration (AP): 221 mm
- Average penetration (APCR): 273 mm
- Average penetration (HE): 44 mm
- Turret traverse speed: 26.07 deg/s
- Gun depression/elevation angles: -9° / +19°
- Aiming time: 1.92 sec
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.32 m
- Average damage per minute: 2,503
- Projectile velocity (AP): 1,000 m/s
- Projectile velocity (APCR): 1,250 m/s
- Projectile velocity (HE): 1,000 m/s
Other Main Stats:
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 31.29
Strength (HP): 1,500
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 160/70/50
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 270/120/50
Track Repair time (sec): 11.7
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 65/70
Engine power (hp): 1,070
Specific power (hp/t): 16.46
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 38/15
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 4.9/1.1
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2.45/0.55
View Range (m): 380
Additional Info:
- Crew: 6 members (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radio Operator, Loader, Loader)
- Role in battle: Breakthrough Heavy Tank
- Category of special equipment: Survivability
baby canopener with is-2-II gun
This tank is nonsense! It never existed, not even on a piece of toilet paper in the toilet of the Army Research Institute. The fact that WoT has little to do with reality is well known by now, but until some time ago there were tanks that at least existed on paper. That too is now a thing of the past. There is a new tank game that I am becoming more and more interested in.
Which new tank game?