WOT Express: St. Patrick’s Day & Emerald Boxes

DATES: March 13–21.

St. Patrick’s Day is approaching! Get ready for a celebration full of surprises and themed customization elements. Plus, you’ll have the chance to collect a mountain of Lucky Seals—a special event currency.

Today’s small micropatch introduced code and part of the “More Green!” event, along with the new Emerald Boxes.

The boxes themselves remain unchanged. They are still standard boxes, not multi-tier (rare) ones.

News: worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/paint-it-green-festival-2025/

5 thoughts on “WOT Express: St. Patrick’s Day & Emerald Boxes

  1. I kinda hope WG will have a lootbox event every single month before September this year and the big update… otherwise I might start saving money – crazy to think

  2. Another round of “pay 100+ euros/USD if you want a new premium tank”, but the players love this!!! /s

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